
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Garden variety birds plus one

As compared to the breeding season, a greater number of birds visit our back yard during the winter months, but there is less variety in species. We had several bouts of light snow and very cold temperatures. This morning all the snow has disappeared, drenched by warm overnight rainfall. 

I did not venture out except for a medical appointment. All of this week's photos were taken through the windows in the comfort of indoor warmth. Poor light and the filtering effects of snow and fog created some very soft, almost monochromatic images. 

The bare branches of the small aspen provided a nice setting against the gray skies. Among the avian visitors this week--

Tufted Titmouse:

Female Northern Cardinal...

...photobombed by a White-throated Sparrow:

Eastern Bluebird:

Blue Jay:

White-throated Sparrow and snowflakes:

Dark-eyed Junco:

Carolina Wren:

To my surprise, I added a new species to my yard bird list-- Species # 77, a fleeting view of a Hermit Thrush:

Just outside our front door, the heated bird-bath provided much-needed water even on the coldest days:

One night, very high winds scattered the heavy outdoor furniture, as seen through the porthole window:

For my REFLECTION meme, I selected this warm photo of a Little Blue Heron before sunrise in Florida, June, 2015

This week's header: View from front door, January 24, 2024

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. You get a few more species of birds than we do here in SD. The Titmouse and the Bluebird are rare here in winter, and I don't think I have ever seen a Hermit Thrush, but the rest of your birds are also common here in winter. Beautiful reflection photo. Keep looking out your windows. That is a great way to watch birds and stay comfortable.

  2. Of course, we feed the birds now in Winter too. What beautifil captures, thank you for sharing.

  3. The reflection shot is the winner for me

  4. I am amazed how many birds you can spot from your window!

  5. Beautiful captures, and I'm amazed at the variety and quality from inside your house!

  6. What could be prettier than birds in the snow? Well, maybe the Reflection shot. These are great pictures.

  7. Hi Ken,
    even if there are fewer bird species than during the breeding season, there are still more than here. Although - there was also a lot going on at the feeding stations in our garden during the cold days. Thank you for the beautiful pictures and for your participation in Nature Thursday.
    Kind regards – Elke

  8. What a blessing to have all these birds as regular visitors in your yard. You don't have to go far to birdwatch.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  9. Very nice photos, even if taken through a window. I really love eastern bluebirds.

  10. Hello,
    You do see a nice variety of yard birds there. I love them all, a few favorites are the first two Titmouse images, the Bluebird and the Hermit Thrush. The Little Blue Heron photo is lovely. I'd be happy not to see any more snow this winter.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, Happy Sunday have a great week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  11. That's a great variety of birds for any season, Ken.

    No wonder I can't find a Hermit Thrush. He's still enjoying your hospitality.
    Here's hoping spring arrives soon and warms you up a bit.

  12. ...Kenneth, you have so many wonderful visitors, we have the common ones here!

  13. The Tufted Titmouse is so cute. I'm always looking for some not-so ordinary birds during winter. Must be patient. Love the photo of the Little Blue Heron.

  14. Your photos are beautiful!! I haven't seen any cardinals yet this winter... I'm not sure where all our birds went but I've only had to fill my bird feeder once!

  15. Lovely photos Ken although the sparrow photobomb did make me giggle :-)

    Have a photobombtastic week 👍

  16. Wonderful captures of beautiful birds that we don't see in Mumbai.

  17. Beautiful winter post. The heated bird bath is such a kindness. Bless you Aloha!

  18. It sure looks frigid there but you have a beautiful home to be comfortable and birds coming to the feeders. I hope the sun is shining today! Hugs, Diane

  19. Lovely Scenes in winter with the birds on the feeder. Hope for spring now...

  20. Absolutely stunning bird shots and love the titmouse in the snow.
    I visited you via My Corner of the World
    My links: 34. I hope you will join us weekly also at Wed-Sat at #WordlessWednesday (words welcome) https:// esmesalon . com / tag


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