Thursday, May 31, 2018

Cabin Fever

Upon returning to Florida this past week we were greeted by Alberto, a sub-tropical storm, which produced several days of heavy rain and wind. Unable to venture out into the local wetlands, my only photo opportunities have been in my back yard. Although I miss our morning walks, I do enjoy the quiet respite.

Egyptian Geese under overcast sky:

Egyptian Geese 01-20180528

Egyptian Geese 02-20180528

Egyptian Goose 03-20180528

Egyptian Goose 04-20180528

A Tricolored Heron hurries along the shoreline:

Tricolored Heron 20180521

Our Illinois family visited us the first week of April, and we spent several nights at Sanibel Island on the southern Gulf coast. We have been so busy with travel that I just got around to reviewing the photos from that trip. Instead of the usual DSLR, I carried my new compact Olympic MSC ED-M Mk2 mirrorless camera. Having not mastered all its settings, my results were uneven, particularly in low light, so do not blame it on the camera.

We stopped at Audubon Society's Corkscrew Swamp on the way. Near the boardwalk, a Roseate Spoonbill posed nicely as it preened:

Roseate Spoonbill 012-20180402

Roseate Spoonbill 004-20180402

Roseate Spoonbill 015-20180402

Roseate Spoonbill 017-20180402

Nearby, a Great Egret cast a nice reflection:

Great Egret 01-20180402

I liked the way the light played upon the foliage and water at Corkscrew Swamp, a nice background for this Double-crested Cormorant:

Anhinga 01-20180402

One of the numerous White-eyed Vireos along the boardwalk:

White-eyed Vireo 02-20180402

At Sanibel, views of the Gulf of Mexico from our condo's screened porch:

View from Gulfstream Condo 01-20180403

Sanibel Inn condo view 03-20180404

Long-legged waders stole the show. Next to the fishing pier, Snowy Egrets seemed so expressive as they foraged along the beach:

Snowy Egrets CROP1  01-20180403

Snowy Egrets CROP2  01-20180403

Snowy Egret 04-20180403

Snowy Egret 02-20180403

A Reddish Egret's beauty was enhanced in the low light:

Reddish Egret portrait 02-20180403

Reddish Egret 01-20180403

We drove several times along the wildlife loop at Ding Darling National Wildlife Preserve. At a small pond in the Bailey's Woods area, a  Black-necked Stilt scratched an itch:

Black-necked Stilt 06-20180403

Black-necked Stilt 05-20180403

Blue-winged Teal:

Blue-winged Teal 02-20180404

Marsh Rabbit:

Marsh Rabbit 01-20180404

Little Blue Heron:

Little Blue Heron HDR 01-20180404

An iPhone panorama of the Coral Creek estuary from the trail:

Ding Darling PANO 2-20180404

A Reddish Egret dances on a mudflat:

Reddish Egret 003-20180404

Two Reddish Egrets interacting:

Reddish Egrets 005-20180404

Osprey chick in a nest along the road:

Osprey chick 02-20180404

Brown Anole displaying:

Brown Anole display 20180404

At Lighthouse Point, two lovey Eurasian Collard-Doves:

Eurasian Collared-Doves 01-2018

Sanibel Lighthouse:

Sanible Lighthouse 20180403

Sanibel beach exactly at sunrise:

Sanibel Island sunrise 01-20180407

Sanderling at sunrise 20180405

Shorebirds at sunrise 20180405

A Willet was cooperative as the light increased:

Willet 02-20180405

Willet 01-20180405

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Your Sanibel photos are fantastic, I would love to go there and nearly did once but had to turn back before we reached it. Roseate spoonbill a are such striking birds. I just photographed some Egyptian geese in Regents Park, London.

  2. What a great post and you have a fabulous back yard to take photos in :-) Happy day Diane

  3. for being mostly rained in...lots of nice shots.

  4. Love the shot of the heron. He does appear to be in a hurry! Have a great weekend.

  5. I didn't know spoonbills came in that colour - what a glorious bird! The sunset show is lovely too

  6. Hello, I loved Sanibel and Corkscrew. Two of my favorite places in Florida. The birds are lovely, I especially love the Spoonbill and Reddish Egret. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks for the comment.

  7. The Spoonbill reminds me of a favourite book from my childhood. I don't remember the topic, whether it was a bird identification book or a storybook, but I do remember the Spoonbill distinctly. - Margy

  8. Wow! Such wonderful shots! Love the spoonbill, herons and egrets!

  9. Your photos are amazing! You could catch the image of every bird.

  10. The sunrise is fabulous, but oh, those amazing birds. I kept thinking "I love this one" and then the next and the next...super photo of the stilt...and who doesn't love lovey-doves?
    If I had to pick a favourite, I'd have to say snowy egrets, but oh a bunny!!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  11. Beautiful photos! Love the egrets and must admit I've never heard of a marsh rabbit. Doesn't look anything like the little bunnies around here.

  12. What striking birds! Great shots!

  13. Willets seem to be everywhere! Fantastic photos with your new camera!! And terrific birds!

  14. You sure took some prize winning photos on that trip! Places I would love to visit. The Spoonbill is just about my favorite Florida those bright colors! Enjoy your day! It's hot but at least we're out of that rain pattern...I hope!

  15. Wow that spoonbill is so bright pink! My favorite this week is the tri-colored heron! Thank you so much for changing your comment setting. Heard from someone in the UK that because of this new ruling she is blocked from other sites in Europe, so I guess I can't complain (though I really badly want to, lol!) Many thanks for sharing these wonderful captures of birds and other critters with All Seasons! Hope your move is going smoothly:)

  16. I love seeing your captures. The lighting you got on the willet is magical.

  17. Stunning photos! Have a lovely week!

  18. Your birds are just stunning with their wonderful colors!

  19. I always wondered about mirorless cameras, it's nice to get the lowdown. If I had a backyard like yours I'd never leave.

  20. You start off with this caveat about a camera and its settings, and then you proceed to blow my mind with your pictures. You are amazing and never let me down! I will just say that I loved them ALL!

  21. I really enjoyed your photographs, Ken! Sanibel is one of our favorite areas and your images have motivated me to schedule a trip soon.

    Hope you didn't have any high water (or other) issues due to Alberto. We need all this rain but I hope it gives a few days to get out for awhile!

  22. I enjoyed your treks. Florida is like much of Arizona right now. Unbearable heat. That camera takes interesting pics. I like the shots. And if it means a lighter camera, I'm all for it.

  23. Wonderful photos. Nice to have Egyptian Geese within easy camera range. The spoonbills are beautiful.


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