
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Crops & Clips: Anhinga

Barely visible, an Anhinga is drying its spread wings in a tree past the far end of the boardwalk at Chapel Trail Nature Preserve in neighboring Pembroke Pines, Florida:

Chapel Trail boardwalk 2-20140528

A pair of Anhingas appear to be in the early stages of courtship at the heron rookery in our local wetlands.

The male Anhinga sports a white crown as it transforms into breeding plumage:

Anhinga male 03-20160210

Anhinga male 01-20160210

Anhinga male 05-20160210

The view of his back shows the corrugations  in the central tail feathers as well as scapulars. Since it "flies" underwater to catch fish, these may act like "spoilers" on an aircraft to break down laminar flow and thus reduce drag:

Anhinga male back 20160210

The female of the pair has a buffy head, neck and chest:

Anhinga 2-20160121

Anhinga adult female 20160111

MACRO of Male with green "goggles" at height of breeding season:

Anhinga 3-20100228

A female in breeding condition also has the green flesh around her eyes:

Anhinga 2-20131210

A male Anhinga at Corkscrew Swamp shows the feather corrugations as well as the oil gland at the base of its tail, which it uses to preen its feathers:

 Anhinga male 20140421

A young Anhinga preens on our back lawn. The immature plumage is dull brown:

Anhinga 2-20120728

This young Anhinga is drying its wings on a the post at the end of the boardwalk at Chapel Trail:

Anhinga 2-20151024

Anhinga on decoy in our back yard lake:

Anhinga on Decoy 20140822

Anhinga casting a fine REFLECTION:

Anhinga 20151231

Anhinga feeding young:

Anhinga feeding young 2-20150212

Anhinga feeding young 20150212

This Anhinga seems to be admiring her reflection in the canal:

Anhinga reflection HDR 20160226

A closer look:

Anhinga reflection crop 20160226

Slide show-- Anhinga eating a big fish:

If video does not display, click here--  https://youtu.be/nTkc3AfZHnQ

Short video-- Anhinga threat display:

If video does not appear, click here--  https://youtu.be/4G62BcJ_B8c

Excellent video by and property of Richard Kern, shared under terms of the Standard You Tube License. Especially watch for the male's magnificent breeding display. Its transformation reminds me of a Bird of Paradise:

If video does not display, click here--  https://youtu.be/EfoqPIcSQCQ

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Absolutely gorgeous and spectacular photos, Kenneth! Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Wow, what a great series of shots. Loved that you focused on the single type of bird. I found it fascinating.

  3. I've seen anhingas in Florida and Costa Rica, but I suppose I did not see the males.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  4. The anhinga on the decay made me do a double-take! Great photos.

  5. another fine series showing off this unique bird!

  6. Loved the view of the dock and it's fencing. Those Anhinga's are very interesting birds. I enjoyed seeing them as we don't have any birds like that around this area.

  7. Wonderful photos of that amazing bird and very interesting text.

  8. These are beautiful birds. We were lucky enough to see some of them when we were in Florida last month. Great photos.

  9. Kenneth Gosh I have learned a lot both from your gorgeous photographs and the 2 videos. Thank you so much and have a lovely weekend.

  10. Beautiful shots as usual! The Anhingas look very interesting. I don't think I have ever seen one.

  11. Those are great shots and reflections.

  12. Hello, awesome post and beautiful Anhinga images! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  13. Totally amazing! We live in Florida and see anhingas often and they never disappoint in their beautiful poses. When I showed photos of one last week someone commented that they were ugly...oh my! I don't think so!

  14. Hi. I'm visiting from 'viewing nature with Eileen.' So glad I took the wander over. Such gooooorgeous photos. I look to following you. Cheers.

  15. Wow...just wow! These are super shots, and very enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Oh Ken!!! These images are all so magical and so so super!!

    Thank you kindly, for adding and sharing the post with us all at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend. It's always so much appreciated.

  17. Thats a decent hair cut on the male - our species of Darter does not have this.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  18. Stunning selection of images


  19. the boardwalk is really beautiful and you've got pretty collections different types of birds there.

  20. amazing photos. I am impressed the most with the feeding scene.

  21. Amazing shots especially the one in feeding the young one.

  22. Fascinating shots - wonderful to see these birds, as they don't exist here in the States.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/04/this-is-what-hope-looks-like.html

  23. Fantastic photos! I really enjoy nature. I feel like I am outside actually observing these bird. Thanks for taking me on a trip for a few minutes.

  24. What a brilliant set of pictures and video, and all so close to home. Fantastic.

  25. Handsome birds an great shots ,Nette

  26. Fantastic shots! I love the white topknot feathers and the pattern on the wings! Beautiful!

  27. Lovely photos! It's a very handsome bird.


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