
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Crops & Clips: Flashback to April, 2013

This continues my monthly retrospective on past experiences, memories from three years ago. I will continue to search the archives for photos which represent a few selected themes: Living CRITTERS of all kinds, beautiful SKIES and REFLECTIONS, as well as MACRO images and GOOD FENCES. I have met this challenge for the past 15 months in a row, so let's see how far I must travel into the month of April, 2013 to achieve my goal!

I started the month out right, while observing the local Bald Eagle nest, as a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks landed atop a light standard along the road (April 1, 2013):

Red-shouldered Hawks 20130401

The next morning the female eagle provided a nice fly-by photo opportunity:

Bald Eagle female in flight 5-20130402

A not-very-handsome "critter" was reluctant to get out of our path on April 8. This Opossum had not quite finished eating a rat which had been killed by the mowers, as its tail still protruded from its mouth:

Opossum eating rat 20130408

The juvenile Bald Eagle was still returning to the nest to be fed:

Bald Eagle juvenile 20130409

A Marsh Lily provided a nice macro study:

Marsh Lily 20130409

On April 14 we visited a ranch in Hendry County to the north, where Barred Owls had a nest, ...

Barred Owl 4-20130414

...a Swllow-tailed Kite flew overhead...

Swallow-tailed Kite 20130414

...and a wild sow shepherded her piglets:

Wild sow with piglets 20130414

At the ranch we also saw a Crested Caracara,...

Crested Caracara 3-20130414

...Wild Turkeys,...

Wild Turkey 20130414

...Burrowing Owls,...

Burrowing Owls 20130414

...and Roseate Spoonbills:

Roseate Spoonbills in flight 20130414

So far, we have seen a plethora of "critters," but I could not pass by this Gray Squirrel in our front yard:

Gray Squirrel 2-20130418

Thanks to the breezes which produce ripples on our Florida lakes, we are halfway through the month without a single nice reflection. Now we return to Illinois, to find a restless sky over the entrance to Nelson lake Forest Preserve, ...

Nelson Lake east entry HDR2 20130422

...and on April 29 find a fledgling Great Horned Owl in a local park...

Great Horned Owl fledgling 20130429

...as well as a weak excuse for the reflection of a dabbling pair of Mallards:

Mallards 20130429

Still no fences, unless Theresa allows me to count this poor imitation of one in a construction zone, with a Tree Swallow beautifying its post:

Tree Swallow 2-20130425

If you squint while looking as the flood water recedes in Jones Meadow Park, you may see another fence in the distance:

Flood receding at Jones Meadow 20130421

On April 28, another macro-- a White Trout Lily:

White Trout Lily 20130428

On the last day of the month, a Northern Waterthrush cast its true reflection in a brook, but can you see either? (click to enlarge)

 Waterthrush species 2-20130430

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to GOOD FENCES by Tex (Theresa). 

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. I think the swallow on the fence post is perfect! But my favorite today is the profile of the opossum!!! I'm here from Ms. T's Good Fences today.

  2. Hello ken, awesome collection of photos from your outing. I love the eagles, owls and the owlet is cute. The flowers are beautiful! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  3. i feel like i have been on an adventure with you! great pictures!

  4. Marvelous series of photos! I love all of them, all the birds and other critters and those very pretty flowers. I would like to invite you to share them at my Today's Flowers meme. A new link opens at midnight tonight and is open until the following Thursday night. The address is:


    Thanks for considering and have a great week

  5. good save by the beautiful tree swallow! :)

    neat shot of the mama sow and her piglets! the possum is pretty cute. my dogs killed one here yesterday morning and the vultures cleaned him up pretty well. saw a caracara out in the field not too far away, too. :)

  6. Amazing shots of critters. I have never seen an owl up close. We have them in Central Ky. I just haven't seen one.

  7. WOW your photos are incredibly beautiful. B

  8. Spectacular images. Loved them all!

  9. Wow! Absolutely beautiful 'critter' shots of all kind ~ Wonderful!

    Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^

  10. What a wonderful outdoor life presentation.

  11. What an incredible collection of photos!

  12. As usual all great photographs. I loved the sow with her piglets as well as the Owls Kenneth.

  13. I think your bird on the post counts just fine for a fence shot. Wow there were a plethora of awesome bird shots here today. Also I enjoyed seeing the Opposum and the Mama Sow and her piglets, so cute.

  14. What an beautiful series of photos!

  15. Dear Kenneth, I came back to thank you for linking with Today's Flowers. Appreciate your kindness very much.

  16. Excellent photos! I particularly like the swallow tailed kite.

  17. Sweet bird in the last photo! had to enlarge on Flickr to see it...perfect camouflage!

  18. What an incredible selection of wildlife you've encountered so far this month.

  19. I always really enjoy your photos. I did have to click and expand the view to find the bird in the last shot! I can see it and its reflection now that I know where they are.

  20. These are super beautiful nature scenes ...
    .... Great photo work.
    Greetings, Karin

  21. Hello, what a great post. I love all the owls and the cute piglets. Great post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  22. What amazing shots. I really like the one of the flying spoonbills.

  23. I'm returning today to send along my thanks for sharing your link to this marvelous post for us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

    I always look forward to your photos and critters/birds, Ken!!

  24. What wonderful photos! My hope is to spot an owl this year on our hikes. We hear them quite often. Enjoy your weekend!

  25. Great photos. Love the Crested Caracara.

  26. I'd like to see an opossum - I see possums most nights, would be good to see marsupial thats not Australian.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  27. Wonderful encounters! Great little possum and fledgling owl!

  28. Beautiful wildlife and birdlife photos. I especially love the hawk images. Have a great week!

  29. Wonderful shots of so many different critters and birds! Especially love that swallow-tailed flycatcher!

  30. Very nice collection of birds and critters. It's the perfect snapshot of Florida. I really want to go back again and explore!

  31. These are great, Kenneth! Love the owls and the crested cara cara!

  32. A fabulous collection of images. I enjoyed each and everyone of the photos, but especially the owls and the eagles.


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