
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Crops & Clips: Flashback to September 2015

Three years ago we started out the month of September at our (then) second home in NE Illinois. My archives include 450 photos processed that month. As usual, I will look for images which depict favorite memes-- critters (especially birds), skies, reflections, fences and scenes which  speak for themselves.  

Yellow was the predominant color in the prairies, as goldenrod and sunflowers bloomed. Male American Goldfinches had not yet begun to change into their drab olive winter plumage:

American Goldfinch 20150902

American Goldfinch 20150910

The Mallards had molted into unisex "eclipse" plumage and were temporarily flightless, but the male could be identified by his bright yellow bill:

Mallard male and female 20150913

The Compass Plant looks a bit like a sunflower, whose blooms rotate to face the sun. However, this plant got its name because its flowers were believed to point to the north and south. which is not always the case. It is a plant of the tall grass prairie, and its tap root reaches deep into the soil, allowing it to survive fire and drought:

Compass Plant 20150901

Early in the month, we accompanied our daughter and her family on a short vacation trip to Baileys Harbor Yacht Club Resort in NE Wisconsin, nearly 300 miles north of the Chicago area. Located in Door County, on the Upper Peninsula east of Green Bay, its namesake harbor opens into huge Lake Michigan. We occupied a waterfront condo, an easy walk from the shoreline.

Lake Michigan 20150906

Monarch butterflies abounded. This one was fighting the wind as it held fast to the flowers:

Monarch battling high winds 20150906

A curious Red Squirrel looked on as we walked the rustic pathways:

Red Squirrel 4-20150906

Red-breasted Nuthaches were common:

Red-breasted Nuthatch 3-20150905

Red-breasted Nuthatch 2-20150905 - Copy

A Pileated Woodpecker, identified as a male by his red "mustache," foraged in the trees and on the ground, where I caught him in 'mid-hop:"

Pileated Woodpecker 06-20150905

Pileated Woodpecker 08-20150905

Black-capped Chickadees flocked to the feeders:

Black-capped Chickadees 20150906

The shoreline on a foggy morning:

Baileys Harbor shoreline 2-20150905

The Marina:

Baileys Harbor Marina 2-20150906

Back in Illinois, a young ("colt") Sandhill Crane followed its parents across a neighbor's lawn:

Sandhill Crane family 2-20150913

The windy weather made it difficult to find reflections, but this Great Egret saw itself on the surface of the Fox River at Lippold Park, near our home:

Great Egret 20150913

Wind-swept "horsetails" stirred in the clouds above Nelson Lake preserve...

Nelson Lake east enrty HDR 20150924

...where our Granddaughter Graci accompanied us on our final hike for the year. She wanted me to try to photograph all her sightings, which I did, and will not bore you here except for:

Graci at Nelson Lake 20150926

We saw a White-breasted Nuthatch...

White-breasted Nuthatch 2-20150926

...and a line of ants carrying a dead moth:

Watching ants carry moth 20150926

By the time we departed for Florida, the leaves were turning to autumn colors, almost hiding this diminutive Ruby-crowned Kinglet:

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 20150924

We will miss the colors which accompany the change in season...

...New England Asters, so common on the fall prairie:

New England Aster 20150926

Nashville Warbler in a daisy patch:

Nashville Warbler in daisies 3-20150921

A Common Buckeye on daisies:

Common Buckeye butterfly 20150926

Back in Florida, there is something magic about the morning light, which envelops an Ovenbird:

Ovenbird 14-20150928

On September 29, sky and clouds reflect on lily pads, the "Reflection of the Month:"

Reflection 20150929

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. That's great that your granddaughter could join you on a hike. Love the monarch shot, and also the foggy shoreline!!

  2. Hello, wonderful series of photos. Awesome collection of birds! The compass flowers are lovely. It is great your granddaughter went on the walk and enjoy the nature sightings. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  3. Wonderful post full of beauty and fun adventures~

  4. Amazing landscapes! Loved the compassplant and asters.

  5. Lovely and great butterfly and nature captures . Please tell something about my captures on my blog.

  6. Each and every one of your photos is a work of art! Perfection...like picture post cards.

    With everything said, I say 'thank you' for taking time to share this post with us all at I'd Rather B Birdin' this week!

  7. Lovely photos, you always have such a wonderful variety of shots

  8. yellow look contrast to background, and beautiful.
    have a great day

  9. The trio of cranes and the squirrel scrambling down the tree have me smiling. The things I imagine them thinking. :-)

  10. No doubt the sunset reflected in the water is one of a kind! Great to have family time, but hope you didn't have to drive to Wisconsin! Ah, your yellows in this post are on the same wave length as mine!And the redbreasted nuthatch is a beautiful bird. The Buckeye butterfly may be common but it has gorgeous colors! Many thanks for linking to All Seasons this week and enjoy your week!
    The grinder in your comment sounded like a great time saver!

  11. Lovely visitors and scenery!! How fortunate to capture them all.

  12. Once in a blue moon we see a pileated woodpecker here although mostly downies and red-headed woodpeckers. Great shots!
    Thanks for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/09/our-newest-family-member.html

  13. A fantastic selection of photos - love that Monarch butterfly on the yellow!

  14. I did not know that about mallards. Love your creatures and the reflection picture.


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