
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Crops & Clips: Parting Potpourri

Since I will be traveling this week, I quickly compiled some recent images from our daily early morning walks.  

The first Solitary Sandpiper of the fall migration season appeared at the lake shore on August 28:

Solitary Sandpiper R 05-20180828

Frequent rains have raised the water level in the lake, discouraging the waders which prefer to explore the now-inundated mud flats along the shore. It has flooded into the wet prairie...

High water 03-20180904

...and turned the "peninsula" into an "archipelago:"

High water 01-20180904

Among the other fall arrivals was this female Prairie Warbler:

Prairie Warbler female 01-20180828 

Another warbler, a less colorful Louisiana Waterthrush, was present for over a month:

Louisiana Waterthrush 01-20180825

We canceled our walk one morning becaues of this view from our back patio. Storms were approaching from the east a half hour before sunrise:

Storm moving in at sunrise 20180830

Part of a flock of six Egyptian Geese flying over the Wounded Wetlands:

Egyptian Geese 02-20180823

Egyptian Goose 04-20180823

Calm winds and still waters provided nice reflections of this Great Egret:

Great Egret 02-20180904

Although not an unusual sighting along the coast, these two Gray Kingbirds were the first I have ever seen in our local patch. They were engaged in a game of "king of the palm spire," competing for the highest roost along the path:

Gray Kingbird 04-20180823

The kingbird ignores a Northern Mockingbird which also covets the perch:

Northern Mockingbird vs Gray Kingbird 01-20180823

Another challenger arrives, a second Gray Kingbird:

Gray Kingbirds 01-20180823

The confrontation (note the red crest of the attacker, usually hidden):

Gray Kingbirds 02-20180823

The king of the spire retreats, and a new victor occupies it:

Gray Kingbirds 03-20180823

While I was photographing the waterthrush around sunrise, a White-tailed buck wandered in, unaware of my presence:

White-tailed Deer buck 02-20180904

When I raised my camera, he bolted off:

White-tailed Deer buck 01-20180904

One day as I was walking back home, a female Bobcat strolled across the gravel road, saw me...

Bobcat female 02-20180828

...and calmly retreated into the brush:

Bobcat female 03-20180828

The path to the back gate of an adjacent subdivision is oriented exactly east-west. It serves as a convenient "sundial." The sun rises directly over the middle spire of the fence on the mornings of the equinoxes. It is gradually moving down from the left (north) to signal the beginning of autumn:

Sundial Alley 20180904

One evening the rays of the setting sun reflected on the clouds over our lake, seeming to turn the water blood red:

Red clouds to east at sunset 01-20180823

A view of three cruise ships docked at Port Everglades as we departed:

Port Everglades SEP 8 2018

Downtown Fort Lauderdale:

Fort Lauderdale downtown SEP 8 2018

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. I need to spend more time in the wetlands

    Safe travels

  2. Beautiful captures of birds in flight. Beautiful buck looking straight into your camera. Lovely sky shots in different colours.

  3. Lovely various Bird's captures . Keep commenting in my blog because I love your comments.

  4. Mr. Kenneth, as always, your pictures are wonderful. The photo of the three goose is fantastic

  5. Beautiful sky shots, and love those captures of the geese in flight! Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Remarkable photos! Love the confrontation series.

  7. Stunning photography and I love the way you caught that deer before he bolted. Have a great weekend.

  8. Hello, love your beautiful sky shots. Awesome wildlife sightings. The Bobcat is cool. The geese in flight are lovely. Enjoy your travels. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great day and new week ahead!

  9. I'm in awe of your sky photos! You certainly have some amazing views plus see such a great variety of wildlife. Hope your traveling goes well and you're having a terrific weekend.

  10. First, safe travels!
    Second, as always, amazing photos!! Those Egyptian geese in flight...wow, I've never seen them flying...they're beautiful.

    Your sharing is much appreciated with all of us at I'd Rather B Birdin'...thanks so much!

  11. What a treat of a show you got watching those birds topping each other. Your sky there is so pink. Your photos are beautiful.

  12. The skies are stunning here! Great visual account of the attack! Yeah deer don't like the click of the camera. When they get used to you though, they stay and only look away (If the humans look away, pretending to ignore him/her) like the bobcat does!
    Many thanks for this bird and sky feast for All Seasons, and stay safe in the land of the hurricanes:)

  13. WOW! So lovely! Impressed by the bobcat!

  14. This is SOME potpourri! Simply can't decide what I like best … so I won't!!! Radiant shots, one and all!

  15. What another stunning series of captures Ken! Thank you so much for sharing your photographic skills and your wonderful part of our world.


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