
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Crops & Clips: Flashback to November, 2015

As I have been doing every month, it's time to look back on events of three years ago, helping to know what to expect out on the Wounded Wetlands as the seasons change from wet to dry (unless El NiƱo has his way). I will look for favorite memes among nearly 800 photos I processed that month-- critters of all kinds, fences, skies, reflections, and those scenes which need no description.

During November, 2015 we stayed put in south Florida. One of our favorite species had returned to spend the winter. On November 1,  a male Painted Bunting posed very nicely in a  Brazilian Pepper. The leaves and berries accented the many colors of his coat:

Painted Bunting 3-20151102

A female Painted Bunting was beautiful in her own right:

Painted Bunting female 20151101

That same day I was treated to a Giant Swallowtail which paused for a sip of nectar from a Lantana blossom:

Giant Swallowtail original  20151101

A Gulf Fritillary also enjoyed the Lantana...

Guolf Fritillary 20151104

...as did a Long-tailed Skipper:

Long-tailed Skipper 20151103

Ovenbirds had recently arrived:

Ovenbird 3-20151103

Black-throated Green Warblers moved though on their way to the Tropics:

Black-throated Green Warbler 20151103

Wilson's Warblers were also passing by:

Wilson's Warbler 20151101

An Eastern Phoebe will plan to stay here for the winter...

Eastern Phoebe 20151108

...along with a Ruby-throated Hummingbird...

Ruby-throated Hummingbird 20151105

...as will the Swamp Sparrow...

Swamp Sparrow 02-20151123

...and an American Kestrel, perched atop a Royal Palm spire:

American Kestrel 5-20151127

Palm Warblers will be abundant here all winter-- some call them "Florida Sparrows:"

Palm Warbler 2-20151127

We had a few thunderstorms. This one was brewing in front of the morning sun:

Cumulus cloud HDR 20151109

Most mornings were still. Here the rays of the rising sun were mirrored over the lake on the opposite horizon:

Mirrored sunrise over lake HDR 20151103

Flowers fourished as the temperature moderated. Red Ixora bloomed alongside the entrance gate to our subdivision:

Monaco Cove entry HDR 20151106

In the rookery, we hoped that this Black-crowned Night-Heron would nest this season:

Black-crowned Night-Heron 20151108

As breeding season approaches, this Yellow-crowned Night Heron will grow plumes and take on a golden hairdo:

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron dirty crown 20151108

At nearby Markham Park, we enjoyed the visit of a wandering tanager from the Caribbean,  a Western Spindalis:

Western Spindalis 3-20151130

Western Spindalis 2-20151130

The Spot-breasted Oriole was associated with the vagrant Spindalis. A new species for me, it is only found in a few selected localities:

Spot-breasted Oriole 20151130

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. All your photography is superb and seeing all those birds is wonderful. I love the sunrise image and the shot with the approaching thunderstorm is very atmospheric. Have a fabulous weekend

  2. Wow! Truly stunning rays captured

  3. Extraordinary sunrise shot...kudos..

  4. Extraordinary bird photos, wow. Also like your thundercloud sky shot and your fabulous reflection photo.

  5. what can I say - wonderful images with gorgeous critters most of which I saw for the first time.

  6. Your photography is amazing. Such detail. Love it!
    Angie@ Baer Ascent

  7. Beautiful photos! I really like the photo of the Painted Bunting.

  8. beautiful bird shots(I especially like the Eastern Phoebe). And fantastic reflection...

  9. Wow! Fantastic photos. The lighting in the first butterfly photo is spectacular.

  10. Hello, gorgeous sky shots. The Caribbean visitors are beautiful, lovely sightings. All your birds and photos are awesome. The Painted Bunting is a favorite for sure. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks also for leaving a comment on my post.

  11. The Painted Bunting is my favourite, but there are so many good looking birds here. I'd like to see them all.

  12. We are so blessed to see so many different birds here in Florida. We've not seen the Painted Bunting...yet! Love your photos. Happy weekend!

  13. Such beautiful photos! Not sure why but of all the birds, the photo of the little ovenbird really caught my eye. Hope you are having a great weekend so far!

  14. That spot-breasted Oriole is one amazing bird! Of course, love ALL your photos.

    This weekend you've made us at I'd Rather B Birdin very pleased with your bird species and commentary...thanks!

  15. Wow! What a feast for the eyes! Thank you so much for sharing.
    Jealous of your shot of the Spindalis.

  16. Goodness, what fantastic photos!!

  17. Fantastic photos of the birds, and loved the thunderstorm photo and the sunrise photo! Thanks for visiting my blog too Kenneth. Have a wonderful week :)

  18. How cool - the red and blue bird (it's a combination I often use in my paintings). Wow, Ken, the butterflies captures are amazing! And the yellow of your last bird is so intense! You are so skilled in capturing nature - ever thought on passing it on (teaching) to young people? Many thanks for sharing with All Seasons and for your comment about fall!
    In Southern California last two weeks, I did my walk still in shorts, but here in the Northern part of the state, we put the wood stove on yesterday night!


Thank you for visiting Rosyfinch Ramblings! I will enjoy a visit to your page just as soon as possible. Some anonymous comments and some containing active links may not be accepted.