
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Under the Hunter's Moon

During the last week of October the full Hunter's Moon brightened the predawn sky as we walked out into the Wounded Wetlands. These photos were taken during the 30 minutes before it set into the lake:

 Hunter's Moon setting 05-20181024

Hunter's Moon setting 01-20181024

Hunter's Moon setting 07-20181024

The next morning before sunrise the Moon was higher in the sky:

Hunter's Moon over lakeside marsh 20181025

The pink clouds provided a pleasant background for a Great Egret as it preened on a lakeside treetop:

Great Egret pink sky 05-20181026

Great Egret pink sky 04-20181026

Later in the morning, this may have been the same egret out on the lake:

Great Egret 07-20181026

Nearby, an immature Red-shouldered hawk allowed me to approach rather closely before flying off:

Red-shouldered Hawk immature 01-20181026

Red-shouldered Hawk immature 03-20181026

Red-shouldered Hawk immature 05-20181026

This White-tailed Deer buck is safe under the Hunter's Moon, as no hunting is permitted inside our city limits. He has a very black face. I do not know whether this is a regional variation or just a random occurrence:

White-tailed Deer buck 03-20181022

A male Rose-breasted Grosbeak in first year fall plumage appeared in the fruiting Ligustrum:

 Rose-breasted Grosbeak 01-20181018

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 03-20181018

A Black-throated Blue Warbler had to stretch for some berries:

Black-throated Blue Warbler 04-20181018

Black-throated Blue Warbler 01-20181018

I missed a photo of a male Painted Bunting, but this female was quite beautiful:

Painted Bunting 05-20181018

I captured her as she launched into flight:

Painted Bunting 04-20181018

A Brown Thrasher stared at me with fiery yellow eyes:

Brown Thrasher 03-20181022

A Great Egret in final descent for a landing extended its neck. Reminds me of a flying arrow:

Great Egret descending 03-20181020

Great Egret descending 04-20181020

Putting on the air brakes:

Great Egret descending 01-20181020

Sunrise over "Sundial Alley" on October 23:

 Sunrise at sundial Alley 20181023

A Green Heron in the rookery:

Green Heron male 02-20181021

A young Raccoon crept up and seemed to think I did not see it:

Raccoon 20181019

Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. A wonderful set of photos from the gorgeous skies to the variation of birds. My favourite shot is the second one of the egret. Have a fab day. Diane

  2. I'm amazed at the number of critters you find :)

  3. Watching the sky at night and the sun coming up are all magical moments in life and are to be treasured. Love ALL the bird photographs Kenneth especially the Green Heron. The shots realy shows off his plumage so well

  4. What a really nice series of images! Pretty awesome moon photos and it provided a perfect pink backdrop for the white egret.
    Love that Grosbeak and I'm always thrilled when I can spot a Greenie!

    Have a great weekend, Ken.

  5. Nice moody sky for the moonset. Actually, that egret reminds me of the now defunct French Concorde. Cheers, Stan

  6. Awesome moon photos and nature shots of wonderful 'critters' ~ thanks!

    Happy Day to you, Jeanna ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. This is a wonderful series of images, great captures of birds.

  8. Beautiful moon captures, and the hawk photos are stunning!!

  9. Great moon photo! And then I got to see the rest. Fantastic set of photos! And I love your commentary on some of them. I'm still laughing. I liked the ones about the Egret coming in for a landing and putting on the air brakes, as well as the one about the raccoon thinking you couldn't see him.

  10. fabulous photos...too bad you missed the male bunting. But the female is still pretty!

  11. Hello, I love your moon and sky photos, well done. The egrets and birds are all beautiful. A few of my favorites are the Grosbeak, Painted Bunting and the Green heron. They are all beautiful photos. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend! PS, thanks also for leaving me a comment.

  12. I really like that Green Heron and the friendly looking Raccoon.

  13. Beautiful photos, Kenneth! You always amaze me with your captures.

  14. That pink background really looks neat! So many of your photos are exceptional! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. It's so nice right now, that I'm getting out more often!

  15. I must say...extraordinary photos!! From the moon to the birds and furry critters to the sunrise!!

    It's been great to go with you on a birdin' adventure this week from The Bird D'pot. Thanks for taking us along.

  16. Excellent photos! I especially like the heron with in front of the pink sky.

  17. Love the pink sky with the egret - and the Painted Bunting in the post before is great.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  18. You have captured the skies beautifully.

  19. Love the hunter's moon- beautifu! Here they are even stricter with deer - if you find one dead on your property, the home owner is responsible to put the carcass on the road for them to pick it up, otherwise you are fined!
    Love also your captures of dawn (especially the one with the moon in there).Wow, "putting on the air brakes" is a super shot!
    Many thanks for sharing all this beauty with All Seasons! Have a great fall week!

  20. Such great photos. I love the red shouldered hawk with his wings up and the shots of the egret.

  21. I wonder what the egret was looking at under its wing. What could be out of place? Your photos are stunning! I'll most likely say that again. :-)

  22. I get a great satisfaction with good images of the moon for some reason and yours are fabulous! The birds are so varied and just awesome to see.

  23. The milkweed flowers are beautiful, and also the empty pods! Thank you for your comment - I appreciate them - always - but I wonder why there is no photo on the week of Nov 11 and Nov 18? Did you forget, or is something else going on? Am just ascertaining if I need to worry? I hope not, of course! Have a great week and a happy Thanksgiving!


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