
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Crops & Clips: Flashback to May, 2016

Poring over my photo archives from three years ago, I reflect that my life is now much less active. Having given up our second home in Illinois, we are more homebound. Excursions are mostly for shopping, choir practice, church and of course, visits to the dentist and various doctors. Our early morning walks into the adjacent Wounded Wetlands highlight each day.

We started out the month of May, 2016 in Illinois. Our son-in-law hosted their traditional backyard Cinco de Mayo pig roast with over 100 people in attendance. Since it is also a birthday party for our daughter, donations to a local charity are requested in lieu of gifts. Spring migration was underway. At every opportunity, MaryLou and I visited the numerous municipal parks and county forest preserves.

At Bliss Woods in Sugar Grove we found Yellow Warblers in full song:

Yellow Warbler 05-20160503

Yellow Warbler 04-20160503

We encountered one Orchard Oriole:

Orchard Oriole HDR  01-20160503

Common Grackles in Midwestern US were formerly called "Bronzed Grackles" as opposed to the eastern "Purple Grackles," as I knew them as a kid in New Jersey. They were originally considered separate species. This photo illustrates its iridescent brown back:

Common Grackle 01-20160503

At Jones Meadow Park near our condo in North Aurora, Flocks of Sandhill Cranes were arriving and passing overhead:

Sandhill Cranes HDR 02-20160502

This Virginia Rail was a real treat as it posed in a cattail patch:

Virginia Rail HDR 03-20160503

A Canada Goose tends to its goslings. This photo was taken from some distance away, as they can become violently aggressive in defense of their young:

Canada Geese with goslings 01-20160505

A male American Goldfinch is reflected on the surface of a brook:

American Goldfinch 03-20160505

We visited the Japanese Garden at Fabyan Forest Preserve in Geneva, providing some of my favorite photo opportunities:

Japanese Garden DETAIL HDR 06-20160506

Blossoms enveloped a small outbuilding in the garden:

Japanese Garden OIL HDR 09-20160506

There, a Great Horned Owl tended its owlets...

Great Horned Owl and Owlet HDR 02-20160506

...and a beautiful Yellow-throated Warbler sang in a treetop:

Yellow-throated Warbler HDR 04-20160506

Oh, my-- this only brings me up to the 6th of the month-- So many more photos to review! Scarlet Tanager, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak and an Indigo Bunting on April 12:

Scarlet Tanager 02-20160512

Rose-breasted Grosbeak HDR  20160512

Indigo Bunting HDR 01-20160512

On May 15, the day before we returned to Florida, a Baltimore Oriole perched nearby:

Baltimore Oriole 2-20160513

Back home, MaryLou is ahead of me as she enters our local wetlands:

Entry to wetlands 20160529

A Great Egret takes flight:

Great Egret takes flight HDR 02-20160516

A little Blue Heron and a smaller Green Heron interact:

Green Heron 02-20160516

A young doe prances across the gravel track:

White-tailed Deer 02-20160524

Before sunrise, a storm is forming to the west over the Everglades:

Storm over Everglades HDR 20160529
= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. The Japanese Gardens are so beautiful and I just loved the Great Horned Owls abd the colours of the other birds are superb. A treat to see and I love the reflections and the wonderful sunset in your last image Kenneth

  2. Love that owl shot. Also the flowers around the outbuilding. Beautiful shots!

  3. Beautiful sunrise reflection

  4. Beautiful reflection and those yellow birds really stand out. Nice shots!

  5. Hello ken, I love all the beautiful birds and photos. The Yellow Warbler is so pretty. The owls are cute. Love the Green Heron and Little Blue shot. The Japanese Gardens are beautiful. Gorgeous sky shots. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  6. The Yellow Warbler is my favourite, but the two Herons together gives a really good size comparison.

  7. Great shots! And so much color today!

  8. Always such artfully composed images Ken. I have no favorites ... they're all incredible. But reading, my goodness 100 guests for a Cinco de Mayo party! I do good if I make burritos for the two of us!!
    Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to share your post with us at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend.

  9. Your photos are timeless. You give me a glimpse into beauty and enchantment that I shall not ever see in person. I can believe this is how these creatures looked at the beginning and shall forever into infinity. As always when I see your photos, I say thank you. :-)

  10. Amazing photos. I love these shots - it brings a breath of fresh air to scroll through this post.
    Thanks for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/05/on-retreat-in-washington-dc.htmll

  11. I think that the 'Yellow Warbler' must have one of the most sensible names in the birding world! Wow!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  12. Beautiful images, whether they come from your archives, or just taken last week, it does not matter:):) Your presence at All Season is much appreciated! Have a great week, Junieper/Jesh

  13. So many pretty birds! What fantastic photos!

  14. These are great photos! I especially like the big-eyed owls tucked so cozily into the tree.

  15. Absolutely stunning are the birds and nature. I love the Yellow Warbler.


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