
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Crops & Clips: This week's potpourri

It has been an eventful few days in our neighborhood Wounded Wetlands. Although spring migration has been slow, I added a (heard-only) Chuck-will's-widow to my patch list. A poor recording is my only documentation with no photos to share. It was quite near the trail about 40 minutes before sunrise. As has been the case with the Whip-poor-will, it stopped calling about a half hour before sunup.  

An unusual visitor was this Black-whiskered Vireo. It was only my second sighting at this location, and one of only two recorded in Broward County so far this year. 

I found the first one at almost this exact spot on April 20, 2011. Its namesake throat stripes are distinctive:

Black-whiskered Vireo 20110420 

This time I got much better photos when, for a few seconds, it sat still out in the open after it ate Lantana berries (May 4, 2019):

Black-whiskered Vireo 03-20190504

Black-whiskered Vireo 01-20190504

Black-whiskered Vireo 06-20190504

Black-whiskered Vireos breed in The Bahamas and Caribbean islands, but their US range is generally restricted to a migratory population in coastal mangroves of southern Florida. Their secretive habits make them hard to find as they glean for insects among the leaves. They are closely related to the similar Red-eyed Vireo. In fact, at first I misidentified it as the latter species. Close inspection reveals that, although its eyes have a reddish tint, it has a more massive bill and a duller brownish back:

Black-whiskered Vireo first look 20190504

Here is a Red-eyed Vireo for comparison (October 12, 2018):

Red-eyed Vireo 03-20181012

Two different Bobcats showed up, only two days apart. The first was a small female which stared at me from the high grass on the left side of this trail:

 Berm trail to south 20190506

She jumped out and over the trail just as I raised my camera (May 3):

Bobcat 01- 20190503 

Bobcat 02- 20190503

The other Bobcat was a large male, seen only about 100 yards away from where I saw the female. He walked leisurely across the gravel road (May 5):

Bobcat male 01-20190505

He crouched down for a moment to check me out:

Bobcat male face 05-20190505

Male Bobcats usually occupy much larger territories than females. They seek out and mate with several but do not take part in rearing or defending the young. One of the local females appears to be quite pregnant (April 13, 2019): 

Bobcat-1 04-20190413

We would expect her to avoid contact with the male and take such steps as covering feces and hiding in with her kits in a den. I can tell that a male is around when I find fresh Bobcat scat piles out in the open and close to each other, as this is one way they mark their territory.

A White-winged Dove peered out from the shadows (May 4):

White-winged Dove 01-20190504

Loggerhead Shrikes had disappeared for over two weeks, so I was happy when one posed in early morning sun on May 4:

Loggerhead Shrike 640 ISO160 ExpComp plus 2 thirds  20190504

That same day I saw my first Julia longwing of the spring season. They have been very scarce since Hurricane Irma ravaged the area almost two years ago. This is a fresh male:

Julia heliconian - Dryas iulia 20190504

I had to get down on the ground to get a side view of a tiny but beautiful Dainty Sulphur:

Dainty Sulphur - Nathalis iole 01-20190504

We spent the week after Easter at Tranquility Bay resort on the Florida Keys. These are views from the beach at sunset (April 22-25):

 Tranquility Bay After Sunset 04-20190425

Tranquility Bay After Sunset 03-20190425

Tranquility Bay Sunset 01-20190425

Tranquility Bay sunset 01-20190422

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Wonderful set of photos and I love the sunsets. Thanks for adding the photos of the Bobcat as well as the info, interesting. Happy Friday, Diane

  2. Love your potpourri

    Always love critters, but a colorful twilight/silhouettes also rock.

  3. The sunset images are stunning and I love the series with the BOb cat. Marvellous images as usual Kenneth. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. What a great animal - I have not seen any cats (apart from feral ones) in the wild. One day maybe!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. Hello, wonderful birds and sightings. I like the Bobcat too, cool sighting. The sunset at the Keys resort are gorgeous. Awesome photos. Thanks for linking up!
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  6. Another terrific series of photographs! Good show on finding the Black-whiskered Vireo! It has eluded me so far.

    Thank you for sharing a bit of your local beauty!

  7. What a varied post! Am glad you could catch the black-whiskered vireo! Interesting info about the bobcats, and beautiful butterflies.
    Magnificent skies as Florida Keys! Only have been in FL for conferences, so I didn't get to see the beauty in nature there. Awesome sunsets:)Many thanks for linking with All Seasons and have a fantastic week!

  8. Exceptional skies & bobcats! Naturally, your bird photos ate beauties!! Those chuck wiil widows, I've photographed, but have NEVER heard them.

    For your participation this week at I'd Rather B Birdin', I thank you.

  9. Wow, great shots of the bobcat! Love the sweet birds too.

  10. Wonderful post; I’m in awe of the bobcat sightings. Early morning walks really pay off for you.... butterflies and birds are great. And of course there is nothing like a Keys sunset!


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