
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Crops & Clips: Birding back yard and beyond

Sometimes I obtain better views of birds in my own backyard than of those I go out of my way to see.

A female Anhinga has been spending time just loafing lakeside. Rather than shoot through the windows, I stalked furtively around the bushes in hopes that she would stay put while I focused my camera on her. She registered her annoyance at my intrusion by inflating her throat (gular) pouch and waving her head about wildly:

Anhinga female 03-20191014

 Anhinga female 02-20191014

I didn't want her to go, but once she saw me there was no changing her mind, and across the lake she flew:

Anhinga female 05-20191014

A pair of Egyptian Geese feel right at home in our yard. The female is in the foreground:

Egyptian Geese 01-20190908

Egyptian Geese 02-20190908

The Little Blue Heron is especially shy and skittish. Sometimes it flies away as soon as it sees me looking out the window. Our lawn slopes down to the lake shore and the only way I can get a view of its legs is to stalk to a point along the shore some distance away. More often than not, the heron gets alarmed and flees:

Little Blue Heron 02-20190910

Little Blue Heron 03-20190910

Luckily I snapped a shot as it took flight and then settled down not too far away:

Little Blue Heron 02-20190908

Little Blue Heron 05-20190908

Looking north at more storm clouds, just after one passed by and produced a double rainbow:

BackYard rain shower 2019

BackYard rain shower 2-2019

In our local wetlands, Gray Catbirds have arrived and will stay here for the winter:

Gray Catbird 02-20191012

Brown Thrashers can give you a fierce look-- I was afraid of them as a child after I disturbed one of their nests and was nearly attacked:

Brown Thrasher 01-20191017

Along with the catbird and thrasher, a Northern Mockingbird rounds out my full quota of the Mimic Thrushes (family Mimidae), a Northern Mockingbird on a fence post. This one has a bill deformity-- it has crossed mandibles (click on photo to enlarge):

Northern Mockingbird cross-billed 01-20190925

Painted Buntings are always a treat to see in the wild. Even though my photos are not very good, I prefer them to feeder shots. This male was in a Pond Cypress:

Painted Bunting male 2-20191011

Another peeked out from deep in  the foliage of a Brazilian Pepper:

Painted Bunting male 01-20191015

The green females  are also so beautiful, and this one is out in the open:

Painted Bunting female 05-20191015

Painted Bunting female 04-20191015

Common as they may be, I often find Blue Jays reluctant to pose. This one was perched in warm early morning light:

Blue Jay 01-20191017

Along the path, a White-tailed doe and her yearling fawn were surprised to see me.

White-tail yearling and doe 20191017

The fawn pranced past me on the other side  of the track...

White-tailed yearling fawn 01-20191015

...but the adult hesitated before moving by in a full gallop:

White-tailed doe 04-20191015

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. Wildlife is a lot different to here, Love thouse fluffy skys

  2. I enjoyed your Anhinga shots but absolutely loved that blue sky before the rainbow.

  3. It's awesome to have so much wildlife right in your backyard! Wonderful photos.

  4. Beautiful photos, great landscape
    I admire this magnificent shots, very impressive!
    My favorite is the sparkling sky in the water!
    My Sky ...

  5. Beautiful bird photos, and I love the reflection in the lake!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. The bird photos are stunning as are the scenery shots!

  7. Out my windows I see only doves & sparrows with an occasional woodpecker. You live in a super area for yard birding!

    We all appreciate your linking in with us at I'd Rather B Birdin this week. Have a super day.

  8. The Anhinga and Egyptian geese are very beautiful. Love the birds in flight here - you're a master in capturing this! The smaller birds, especially tee green one are also beautiful though. Thank you for including the galloping deer here for our grand. I'll show it to her,am sure she will get a kick out of that!Thank you much Ken for showing All Seasons across which birds and other nature things you have come across. It's a delight! Enjoy your autumn week!

  9. Wonderful - I find garden and car parks are generally very productive places to bird watch!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. Hello, your photos are always a treat to see. I love the deer, the Painting Buntings are lovely. Beautiful captures of the Little Blue Heron and the Anhinga. The Egyptian Geese are cool yard birds. Sorry, I am late visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your critters. I hope you have a happy day and weekend ahead.

  11. What a nice series! I saw the Egyptian geese in the north of Italy last spring...what a surprise!!
    You are always welcome to my blog! Have a nice day.


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