
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Crops & Clips: Flashback to November, 2016

The month of November, 2016 started on a sad note. MaryLou's oldest brother who lived in Tucson, Arizona was recuperating from complications which followed a leg fracture. We planned to visit him and made flight reservations, also hoping to do some birding while out there. His condition suddenly deteriorated the day before our scheduled arrival. He had turned gravely ill with pneumonia and sepsis.

We flew out the first day of November and visited him that evening in a rehabilitation facility. He was very weak but alert and involved with events surrounding the World Series and the presidential election. We stayed at nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and visited with him the next morning. We planned to spend more time with him, but he passed away that night. 

We had reservations to return to Florida on November 4 and had time to briefly visit Sweetwater Wetlands and the Arizona-Sonora  Desert Museum before flying home.

I had to pore over nearly 1,000 processed photos from November to highlight favorite memes, such as critters (plenty of birds!), skies, reflections, flowers, fences and scenes which speak for themselves. 

My first images were from Sweetwater Wetlands. Our visit was much too brief, given the circumstances.

Yellow-headed Blackbirds flew overhead:

Yellow-headed Blackbirds 20161103

Yellow-headed Blackbirds 2-20161103

The Red-naped Sapsucker is the western counterpart of our Yellow-bellied Sapsucker:

Red-naped Sapsucker 04-20161103

Red-naped Sapsucker 03-20161103

The Verdin inhabits thorny shrubs in the arid lands of southern Arizona:

Verdin 091-20161103

Long ears serve to dissipate body heat of the Desert Cottontail:

Desert Cottontail 02-20161103

The next morning, rain was threatening when we visited the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, but most of it evaporated before reaching the ground:

Arizona-Sonora Museum HDR 02-20161103

Arizona-Sonora Museum HDR 01-20161103

Tucson desert HDR 20161103

Cactus Wrens were common:

Cactus Wren 20161103

Cactus Wren 2-20161103

Butterflies included a Common Checkered-Skipper:

Common Checkered-Skipper male 2-20161103

Back home in Florida, our winter resident birds were settling in. Among them was a fairly rare Bell's Vireo:

Bell's Vireo 6-20161107

Marsh Wrens appear irregularly during the winter months:

Marsh Wren 03-20161119

Eastern Phoebes stay for the winter:

Eastern Phoebe 20161119

This phoebe is dwarfed by the heavy guard rail fence along the "road to nowhere:"

Eastern Phoebe 20161110

Clay-colored Sparrows made their first (and so far only) appearance in our local wetlands:

Clay-colored Sparrow 02-20161117

Clay-colored Sparrow 01-20161117

Wintering Palm Warblers were numerous:

Palm Warbler 20161117

Swamp Sparrows were reliably present but few in number:

Swamp Sparrow 08-20161121

Swamp Sparrow 05-20161121

Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird:

Ruby-throated Hummingbird 20161123

Sharp-shinned Hawk:

Sharp-shinned Hawk DARK 02-20161114

Dark morph of a Short-tailed Hawk:

Short-tailed Hawk in flight HDR 01-20161121

The local pair of Bald Eagles, after losing their first brood earlier in the year, had successfully reared one eaglet which remained dependent well into September. Now they were refurbishing their nest in preparation for the new season:

Bald Eagles 0909 more interaction 20161128

A large male Bobcat was visiting, probably meeting up with one of the resident females:

Bobcat crop 01-20161123

Zebra heliconian at the flower of a Firebush (Hamelia patens):

Zebra heliconian on Firebush 20161113

A "mirrored sunrise" on November 27 is an illusion caused by convergence  of the parallel rays of the rising sun on the opposite (western)  horizon. Conditions are best when the sky is clear overhead but the tops of storm clouds over the Atlantic Ocean break up the light to form the rays:

 Mirrored Sunrise HDR 20161127

The sky was clearing up after a rain storm on November 28:

Sky clearing HDR 20161125

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,

Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Our World Tuesday by Lady Fi

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh

 Linking to Fences Around the World by Gosia


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display



  1. I love seeing those big saguaro's pointing up at the sky! Beautiful shots of the cactus wren.

  2. A safe occasion but some beautiful photos as ever. I was pleased to be able to put a name to the Zebra heliconian as I've often admired them when in Florida.

  3. I'm so sorry for your family's loss. Lovely photos as usual.

  4. Sorry for the lost of MaryLou's brother. It was good that you managed to spend time with him before he left. I enjoyed all your birds and nature photos. Happy weekend!

  5. Very nice photos … very nice reflection!
    Happy weekend!

  6. Hello, so sorry for the loss of your BIL. I love the birds from Arizona, the desert photos, your eagle couple and butterfly are wonderful. Beautiful sky and reflections. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend. PS, thanks so much for the visit and comment.

  7. I always study your photos as if there will be a test at the end. I'm wondering if I'll see any of these birds here....just North of you. I'm sorry about your loss too and glad you went back and showed us some of the birds you saw on that trip. Enjoy your weekend! Beautiful weather!

  8. Years pass after losing family members, but the loss is never forgotten. I lived in Tucson for a decade (miss the surroundings, but NOT the heat)

    Terrific birds this week Ken. Stopping by I'd Rather B Birdin this week and sharing your link is appreciated...thanks!

  9. Your photos are top notch as usual!

  10. What lovely photos. You had a wonderful selection to recap that month!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/11/happy-veterans-day.html

  11. That's a lot of lovely critters and beautiful scenery.

    My Corner of the World

  12. Happy that you and a good last day spent and talking with Mary Lou's brother on earth. There is always sadness, but hope you will get to see back in heaven later on! Wow, now that is drought if the rain evaporates before it can touch the ground! Great to see several small and big birds and other animals. Love the two butterflies Your landscapes are so beautiful here - many thanks for the variety shown to All Seasons!
    Thank you for your comment about the maples. I was wondering if you meant (setting out the tomatoes) putting them in your yard? Because here it is in March (approximately, of course!
    Have a great week, Ken!

    1. Yes, the tomatoes and leaf vegetables do best during the winter months here. Summer is much too hot despite having plenty of rain. Since winter is relatively dry the vegetables require irrigation.

  13. Sorry to hear about your loss. We will be staying at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in February in our RV. Right now we are at Travis Air Force Base in California at the FamCamp. There are so many bases with accommodations for us to use. - Margy

  14. That was a refreshing flashback of beautiful images, Ken. Love seeing the western birds. Brings back memories of our West Texas days!

  15. Fortunate timing on your part that you were able to spend time with Mary Lou's brother. I hope you have lots of good memories of him. So many good photos, impossible to choose a favourite.

  16. Jestem pod wrażeniem dobrych fotografii. Wędruję po blogach i szukam takich, gdzie mogę oglądać ptaki z różnych stron świata i czytać o ich obserwacjach! Dziękuję!


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