
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Back yard visions and decisions

Even though my condition prevents me from traveling far and wide, I do keep an eye on our back yard lake. Two very similar birds appeared together on November 2.

They represent our two largest tern species...

The Caspian Tern is largest and has a massive bright red bill. Its dark cap extends through the eyes into the forehead. Usually the tip of its bill is black, but apparently not on this specimen:

The dark cap of the streamlined Royal Tern generally does not extend in front of its eyes. Its longer tail is deeply forked and its bill is slender and more orange than red:

This female Anhinga believes she "owns" a spot at the edge of our lawn. The morning sun and prevailing easterly wind helps dry her extended wings:

Threatened by my approach, she inflated her gular pouch:

A Great Egret was so nearby that it was necessary to rotate the camera for a portrait exposure:

When the egret extended its neck I had to back away and process the image uncropped:

A Tricolored Heron rested at lakeshore:

Across the lake, another Great Egret hunted intently:

An Osprey passed overhead:

An angry red sunrise on November 2:

Today marks the fourth week since my surgery. The primary cancer in the cecum had not penetrated the colon and there was no evidence of local or lymph node spread. However, there were two small metastatic nodules in my liver. One was removed completely. The other was entirely ablated (cooked) with microwave energy. 

The minimally invasive laparoscopic colon and liver surgeries were done in sequence by two surgical teams and each took about 2 hours. I feel very good right now and undergoing tests to determine whether any hidden metastases may be secreting tumor DNA into my bloodstream. 

At my age (86) the possible benefits of chemotherapy are uncertain. It seems to be a choice between quality versus prolongation of life. Decisions are complicated by  the fact that we are in the middle of selling our Florida home and moving to Connecticut. 

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Garden Affair

Nature Thursday

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Ken, (hoping I may call you that), to live and experience what you see there at the lake is beyond beautiful. Your successful surgeries and treatments thus far have been the right decisions. You will make the right choices. Stay healthy...jp

  2. Kenneth, I wish you all the best in your recovery. Sending lots of healing energy your way. You take such gorgeous photos, lovely birds today.

  3. Not a particularly auspicious spot for, say, a nice juicy salamander. :-)

  4. Your pictures never cease to amaze me..They look so real..such color and definition..Thanks for sharing..Hope you are doing well...Enjoy your weekend..Missy

  5. The terns look like elegant flyers. Beautiful photos. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  6. That orange reflection is AMAZING!! Great work!

  7. wonderful sunset. I love how the reflection in the water adds to the drama! great bird shots too

  8. Greetings and Salutations! Clap. Clapping. Still clapping. These photographs are amazing. I admire that you can handle a move from Florida to CT, have surgeries and take wonderful images all at the same time. 86 years young! Keep on shooting.

  9. Hello Ken,
    Wonderful captures of the birds, you are lucky to see these beauties at your back yard lake. The Terns are always a favorite of mine, I love the Egret, Tricolored, Anhinga and Osprey. The sky shots are just stunning. Sending healing prayers and well wishes for you. I hope your move goes smoothly. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. What a beautiful collection a photos, really amazing!

    My latest post:

  11. I'm so glad you have the back yard lake to enjoy but I'm very sorry about your health issues. You are so strong and such an inspiration to us all. I always learn something new when I visit your blog. I'm keeping you in my prayers, my husband and I both are praying for you. Take care. I know your positive attitude will help. Hugs from a little North of you, Diane

  12. Decisions indeed! Is there a reason for such a move? I know, snoopy I am.

    Lovely back yard birds!! Thanks for linking up today. And, hope all will be well with you and back to 100% soon.

    ~Anni at IRBB

  13. The coffee went down more smoothly this morning while viewing you outstanding pictures, Ken.

    Our prayers continue to be with you as you face decisions I will soon be facing as well. Godspeed.

  14. Thanks Kenneth for the health updates and hopefully the tests results will not bring bad news. Your comment about the quality of life vs prolonging it is one many people have faced and based on your background, you will know what’s best for you and your family. Good luck on the move here to CT and what a difference your photos will show. I will miss those magnificent sunsets, sunrises and birds, but sure you will find other great captures as well. Good luck to you.

  15. I especially like the tern photos! I'm glad you are feeling good and I hope that continues.

  16. Wow! I am blown away with stunning feather of osprey birds . Your red angry sky looks marvelous. Thanks for linking up with Garden Affair.

  17. Your photos, as always, are a delight Kenneth. The Terns look so graceful and the Egret is elegant; fabulous sunrise captures too. Sorry to read of your recent surgical trauma and praying for a complete recovery.

  18. You always share such delightful photos!

    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/11/this-is-all-ill-say-about-that.html

  19. Your photos are exceptional! I am wishing you a speedy recovery and good health going forward.


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