
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Parade of the ibises

It was a week of medical appointments and as much backyard bird watching as possible. As is usual during the first two weeks of November, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker returned to our West Indies Mahogany tree. 

What I cannot understand is that each year it is a new immature sapsucker. A few years I have documented their molt into adult plumage, gradually adding red feathers on head and throat. I expected that each young bird from the previous year would return as an adult. 

Over the years the sapsuckers have peppered our tree with sap wells. They clean up old ones and drill new holes. This bird has a hint of yellow on its undersides:

Our Mahogany seems none the worse for all the damage done to its bark. Look closely to see its emerging fruit (actually nut-like drupes which contain large seeds relished by squirrels and jays):

Over twenty adult White Ibises marched together along the shore:

One stopped to preen:

They filed past the "For Sale" sign in our back yard. We just had open house and attracted over 30 family groups, nearly 100 visitors. (We received seven offers to buy, selected one and now have less than a month to move out to Connecticut):

A Little Blue Heron foraged in a shallow spot:

This species has a habit of sitting very still with the tip of its bill nearly touching the water. It seems to be  near-sighted:

A Tricolored Heron exhibits its impatient and erratic feeding methods, almost running across in front of me:

It flew diagonally across the lake:

I ventured out for my first visit to nearby Chapel Trail Nature Preserve in over 6 weeks. The Gray-headed Swamphens were quite vocal:

A Great Egret stalked in the sedges, probably looking for insects and reptiles:

Light was poor and a Common Gallinule was far away:

MaryLou spotted a raptor on a distant treetop. This is how it looked through the binoculars. By its shape it was a small falcon:

I increased exposure compensation and was able to see enough detail on the cropped image to identify it as a Merlin:

In the parking lot, a Loggerhead Shrike perched on a fence:

There were pink clouds over our lake early in the evening on November 16: 

A bit later the nearly full Beaver Moon emerged from the clouds:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Fences Around the World

Nature Thursday

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


Camera Critters

All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Medical appointments, I hear you!
    Lovely birding.
    Good luck in your move. It isn't easy!

  2. Gratuluję obserwacji! Świetne zdjęcia! Podziwiam ptaki w Twoim blogu, dla mnie to egzotyka.

  3. Ken, I can fully understand how you had seven offers from the open house...such beautiful surroundings and sights! Packing and moving at any age is hard but when we sold VA and relocated back to CT, we were in our 60's and it was exhausting, although well-worth it. Stay healthy...jp

  4. Congratulations on the sale. I'm going to miss your beautiful Florida ramblings.

  5. ...good luck with your move. With DeSantis as governor I'd be moving too!

  6. Beautiful photos of the herons. Oh, and a big congratulations on your home sale!

  7. Hello,
    The birds will all be stopping in your yard to say good bye and good luck on your move. Beautiful birds and photos. Love the sky and water views. Take care and stay well! Have a great day!

  8. I think the blue Heron was sneaking up on its prey...Bill ready!!
    I hope your medical appointments weren't anything serious and that all is OK..
    Congratulations on selling your house..This is the time to sell..
    Hope you have a smooth move.to NE..I'm thinking that you already have a home there??
    They have birds there as well..Best of luck..Be well

  9. Hello Ken,
    You do have a beautiful view of the tree and water, gorgeous skies. I love seeing the parade of White Ibis, the Sapsucker, pretty Little Blue Heron and Tricolored Heron. Great sighting of the Merlin! I hope you seeing wonderful birds at your new place. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. How beautiful to look out over the water. We've had some Ibis here near our house this week too. I'm wishing you the very best in your move. I hope it won't be too hard...take care of yourself! Have a good weekend, Diane

  11. Super images. Love all those Ibis.

  12. Wonderful pictures. Good luck with the move!

    My latest post:

  13. Greetings and Salutations! Remember to take care of yourself during the move. Rest. Work. Repeat. Plus take photographs when you can. You are so talented.

  14. After seeing this new batch of backyard photos, Ken, along with all the other previous ones, we can "see" why your house received so much interest and the several offers. Good luck with the upcoming packing and moving and don't work too hard, that's what movers can do. When we relocated from VA to NH we did it all ourselves, but if there's a next time we will know much better! Once you are relocated in CT we will practically be neighbors as we also have family living there.

  15. Congrats on selling your Florida home!! I had to laugh at Tom's comment.
    Beautiful birds!! Take things easy ...hope you have someone to move your belongings...of course you do!!

    ~Anni @ IRBB

  16. Those clouds at the end are pretty magic! Thanks fro joining in #Allseasons

  17. Thank you for sharing. There are lovely birds.

  18. Fascinating! We have 3-4 different species of woodpecker who visit (the pileated one visits VERY rarely), but have not seen the sapsucker. He's a pretty fellow. And I've never seen a mahogany tree. So I really enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/11/autumn-beaty-remembered.html

  19. Hello,:=) I hope you encounter plenty of wildlife in the vicinity of your new home, and wish you all the best in your move. I will miss all your fabulous photos. Your captures of birds, beautiful skies, and your knowledge of wildlife.
    I enjoyed this beautiful post.
    Take care,:=)

  20. Seven offers is a lot! Beautiful birds.


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