
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Crops & Clips: Flashback to January, 2019

As I do each month, I enjoyed looking back over my archived photos, taken three years previously, to remember how things were then and what I now will be missing this time of year in our new Connecticut  home.  As usual, I searched for images which reflected favorite memes: critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies and clouds, reflections, flowers and fences, as well as scenes which speak for themselves. We spent the entire month at home in south Florida. 

Little Blue Heron adult before sunrise on New Years Day:

An early morning Great Blue Heron:

Later, a Tricolored Heron reflected nicely as it took flight:

A Great Egret strutted lakeside:

A Tree Swallow in flight:

A Blue-gray Gnatcatcher foraged for insects in the fruiting Firebush (Hamelia Patens):

Black birds can be difficult photographic subjects. The light reflected nicely to reveal feather details of this Fish Crow:

Blue-headed Vireos migrate in rather late in autumn  and early winter. They can be reclusive, so it was a treat when I could obtain decent photos:


A lone American Robin appeared on January 30.  Some winters we fail to see a single one, although one year a large flock showed up:

On January 7, as I was approaching the trailhead near our home, a Bald Eagle, presumably the female of the pair at the local nest, swooped down in front of me and picked up a clump of dried grass. Since the eagles line their nest with softer materials, this is a sign that eggs or eaglets may be present:

An immature Red-shouldered Hawk roosted nearby:

Out in the Wounded Wetlands, female White-tailed Deer gathered together:

On January 20, we watched an eclipse of the full Wolf Moon:


Moonset on January 21...

...followed by morning rays:

The waning Wolf Moon peered through the clouds on the morning of January 23:

Bald Eagles stole the show. We believed that the first egg hatched about January 10, but the eaglets were not seen from the ground until the last day of the month. On January 25 the male (Pride, to right)) rearranged a stick and the pair appeared to be tending one or more eaglets:

On January 28 the female (Jewel) was feeding an unseen eaglet:

Two chicks finally came into view on January 31. This was my best view of one:

Fast-forward to the present... The reality of moving to northern Connecticut, in the wee hours of the morning this past week:

The view of sunrise from the front door offers compensation:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Welcome to the North..Snow, Ice and bitter cold..I used to love winter but it has become difficult to walk Mollie..Difficult for her as well..She has lost her ability to skate, poor thing..
    Your pictures are amazing..Magazine worthy..Love the moon rays..Gorgeous sunrise..Winter sunrises and sunsets are the best..ENjoy the rest of your week..

  2. I always enjoy your photography. You capture the detail of each bird. The eagle population in my area of KY is increasing and we have a mated pair close to my farm. I often see one snacking on prey, on my way home from work.

  3. Hello Ken,
    What a beautiful look back, I enjoyed seeing the birds and your gorgeous moon photos. I like seeing the deer, great photo. The Eagle images are amazing. Your last sunrise capture is lovely, you do have a great view there. Great post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  4. Hope you are staying inside to keep warm! And it's great to have those photos to look back on. A real treat to have photographed the Eagles over the years. I always learn the ID for birds I see around here too. Take care! Hugs, Diane

  5. Beautiful photos. I'm especially drawn to your moon shots and the eclipse. Excellent!

  6. Oh wow, you are such a superb nature photographer.

  7. Beautiful photos! Stay warm and safe.

  8. wonderful photos! I especially liked the tricolored heron reflection.

  9. What a stunning sunrise ! I have never seen eaglet that looks adorable. Thanks for linking up with Garden Affair.

  10. As always stunning photography my dear friend.

    Wishing you delightful days and salubrious health.

    God speed.

  11. What beautiful photos that I will share with my son when we begin our Studies on Birds for Homeschool. I know my son and my husband's favorite will be the Eagle.

  12. Many of your photos look like art - I'm mad for the herons at the beginning and always enjoy seeing the eagles

  13. What a wonderful series of images - beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/01/seen-on-blue-ridge-parkway.html

  14. Hello Ken,:=) Superb captures. It's nice to look back at your three year old photos, and they are well chosen. The eagles and chick are fabulous images, The Tree Swallow, Gnat Catcher, deer and sky shots are beautiful captures. Thanks for a wonderful series of photos.
    All the best.

  15. The reflection shot is sensational - as is the moonset and morning rays. Wow. I have a long way to go!!

  16. Dear, Dear Kenneth,

    Can imagine how much you must miss these forest walks and the inhabitants. But waking up to a glorious sunrise like the one you shared now makes up to an extent I must say.

    I have always adored all your images and your fascinating trysts with the animal kingdom. Loved to see Pride and Jewel again, this week.

    Have a blessed, healthy 2022.



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