
Saturday, January 1, 2022


Florida had been our home since 2004, but we just moved north 1,400 miles (2,253 km) to the state of Connecticut. It all happened very rapidly. In early October I was diagnosed with colon cancer and underwent a right hemicolectomy and removal of two metastatic lesions in my liver. Although the tumor had not spread locally or invaded the lymph nodes, this was technically a Stage 4 condition. The surgeons believed that all known cancer had been removed. Yet I was scheduled to begin chemotherapy in early December, conditioned upon the results of a blood test to determine the presence of tumor DNA which would be secreted by any undetected residual cancer. 

We had already planned to move into the Connecticut home with our daughter and son-in-law, but accelerated the schedule so that the anticipated chemotherapy could be instituted in Connecticut without interruption. We put our home on the market and after only a single open house we immediately received offers from a half dozen prospective buyers, all  but one well above the asking price. We accepted one and closed the sale in the middle of December-- hardly the best time of year to leave sunny Florida for the frigid north. Thankfully, no tumor DNA was present in my blood. The test is about 90% sensitive and highly specific for detecting colon cancer. The plan now is to periodically monitor for any indication that cancer cells may have survived.  

Downsizing from four to a single bedroom in our Connecticut suite, packing and then unpacking has been a stressful process. We are delighted with our new residence, 1,800 square feet on the ground floor with windows on three sides overlooking the 5 acre property and an adjacent huge forested open space. The skyline of Hartford is visible above the hills, 11 miles away. I will miss Florida's wonderful variety of accessible and photogenic wildlife, our pre-dawn walks into the Wounded Wetlands, our many friends and neighbors-- and the Bald Eagles whose nest I had been monitoring since 2007.

Admittedly, I have been distracted by all that is involved with such a drastic change. Graciela, the older of our two granddaughters, was concerned that I had not posted any blogs since arriving. Simply put, I did not think I had anything to blog about. I explained that usually my blogs are inspired by some event or photographic opportunity. Since arriving I had gotten brief looks at critters such as rabbits, squirrels, crows, a  few hawks and vultures, but really had not taken any photos because they were all quite far away. Graci thought I might have "writer's block" and came up with a solution: "Wait here and I will be right back." 

She reappeared with Hizashi, her pet cockatiel:

Graci was also wearing a t-shirt emblazoned by one of my photos of the Florida Bald Eagle pair. Their poodle Cazador (In Spanish, "Hunter") true to his name, was staring intently:

The bird flew, landed on my head and proceeded to preen my coiffure:

The bedroom of our suite takes in the view through the three arches over our covered patio:

The skyline of Hartford is visible beyond the woodlands at a distance of eleven miles:

We have had spectacular sunsets:

This is the view from our front door on Christmas morning:

Rabbit tracks follow the path to our doorstep:

The family gifted us this tree ornament, a pair of cardinals, our favorite birds. When we lived in Dallas, our disabled son was visited by them as he sat quietly in his wheelchair under a tree in our back yard. After he passed, cardinals often appeared at the same spot, as if they missed his presence:

One of our final sunrises over our back yard lake in Florida (For Sale sign still up) :

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Fences Around the World

Nature Thursday

Skywatch Friday

Weekend Reflections

Saturday's Critters


All Seasons

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Natasha Musing

Our World Tuesday


Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. When cancer comes calling it is a challenge. I would hate to have to move that quickly. You did a great job. I wish you a rapid recovery.

  2. Hello Ken,
    You have beautiful views from your new place. Love the cute photos of your grandson and the cockatiel, the dog is pretty. Sending healing prayers and good wishes, stay strong! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  3. 'Tis bittersweet moving, isn't it? That house is amazing!

    I wish you well with all your changes and healthcare. My hubby has been managing cancer since 2013. Surgery didn't get it all.
    Have a happy new year!

  4. Good to hear from you..Happy that you are moved and hopefully settled..So sorry about you diagnosis..SO glad the blood test results were favorable..Your new home has beautiful views as well...different photo ops but beautiful..I often think I have little to blog about and nothing worthy of a photograph..Same old thing..
    Happy New Year..Wishing you well!!

  5. Thank you, Graci! And thanks for the post. Hard times but it sounds like a soft landing.

  6. I can't imagine why you thought you had nothing much to blog about. What a whirlwind you've been experiencing. Your granddaughter and her birdie are beautiful and your photos of your new "digs" are a delight. I'm so sorry to hear of your health issues.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/01/some-seasonal-memories.html. God bless you. Stay safe and well.

  7. Hello Kenneth, I have been checking your blog regularly and knew you were preoccupied with both the move and your diagnosis, so it was with great joy that I found this new post, thank you! I hope your treatment will continue to go well in your new location. Kudos to your granddaughter Graci, who is a very wise and caring young lady. The photos of her, the cockatiel and yourself were delightful and lovely to see all.

    Never let it be said that you fail to find beauty in the sky wherever you reside, my blogger friend. The locales may have changed but your talent and observant eye are still evident.

    Welcome back to blog-land, Ken.

  8. Looks like you have a beautiful new view. Look forward to your new things to write about.

  9. Get well soon and hope you kick cancer's butt!

  10. So sorry to hear what you've been through, but glad the treatment and move went well. What a month you've had! And what a house too! Good picture of you by the way (except for that bird on your head).

  11. What a huge change in your life. I hope all continues to go well!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  12. What a huge change in your life. I hope all continues to go well!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  13. Hello,
    Your granddaughter is so sweet, I love her pet cockatiel too. Cute photos of you and your granddaughter. I hope you settle in and all goes well with your testing. Beautiful photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  14. Well, Florida has lost a treasure but Connecticut has gained one.

    Thank you for the update, Ken. Our prayers will continue.

    We will continue to enjoy our visiting birds for another few weeks and then send them back so you can get to know your new neighbors.

    Take good care.

  15. Sad to hear your news, but hopefully you're in the clear now. Plenty of new areas to explore and new species to find and photograph.

  16. The views are wonderful. The cockatiel looks very friendly, liked the pics. Good luck with your health!

  17. You have a beautiful home there and I know you will find birds to photograph. I hope and pray you feel good and get your strength back. How sweet of your granddaughter! Love her bird! Tell her she is a star of the critters party now! Hugs, Diane

  18. What a beautiful area you're in, and we're so glad to hear of all the progress on the health front. Look forward to years of blogs to come, cousin.

  19. I am blown away by your sky shots . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  20. I have missed visiting you. I'm sorry to hear of your cancer but am glad the surgery went well. While I'll miss your marvelous birds and sunsets from Florida, I'm looking forward to whatever you see and wish to share. You're in my prayers.

  21. I am so sorry Cancer has touched you, but you have done wonderful moving and packing so quickly. I enjoyed the photos and what a smart granddaughter you have. Let her know I like both her Bird and Dog and hope to learn more about both. Have a great day and thank you for sharing your life with us.

  22. Be safe and well, my friend.,
    Thanks again for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/01/an-update-on-dave.html

  23. You are in my thoughts Ken!!
    What an ordeal with health, moving and so many adjustments in the last several weeks!!
    May 2022 bring you much joy and good health...

    ... love your photo shares

    Thanks for linking up with us this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  24. You got some great sy shots. Lovely. That first pic with the bird is cute! Thanks for joining in #Allseasons

  25. I'm glad your new home has a nice view! Love the story about your granddaughter and cockatiel. Stay well.

  26. Love this post. Your granddaughter came up with a great idea, and all the photos are wonderful. You're in a fantastic area with family, and I'm sure after exploring it all you'll be in your element again. It's a relief that you are better, and I wish you all the best in the year to come.

  27. Glad to hear your test for residual cancer was negative. It was great to get an above asking price for your Florida home in such a quick time. The last time we sold property it was on the market for almost a year. Enjoy your new home with family. - Margy

  28. Wow, that's a lot going on in such a small amount of time! But it seems you both made it ok and are starting a new chapter of your life. Your amazing granddaughter is such a treasure to help you out )
    I'm glad to hear that your health is being looked after and, I'm sure, you will soon be back to showing us what your new world looks like :)

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  29. My Dear Ken,

    Have missed being here. I have barely been blogging but now I am back to the blogosphere and I wish and hope the same from you too.

    I am so sorry you had to undergo such a health crisis. But at the same time I am glad you are doing so much better and posting when you can.

    Your granddaughter is a doll and I love her idea to inspire you back. Bless her and her parents.

    Happy to know you are finding your way into the new habitat.

    Sending you and Mary Lou much love.

    Wishing you peace, good health, laughter and love in 2022.


  30. Sorry to hear of these developments, Ken! And wishing you all the best with the whole procedure of treatment. Having good family will hopefully part of the stress away, and having people around you is good. As I know you, you will find new trails to roam in this area whenever you are feeling good enough to walk - the winter temps must be an adjustment! All the best to you for your treatment, and hope you will love it in your new environment this year.


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