
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Sure sign of spring

After a week of dismal wet and dark days, it was very reassuring to see a glint of gold when I happened to look out the window. The subject was poorly lit and off to the side at an acute angle, but the bad quality of my photo didn't matter. This was the first extensively molted male American Goldfinch of spring and I was pleased to document it:

He then visited the feeder:

Conditions had been so bad for walking and photography that I almost decided not to post an update this week. Then I noticed that the Dark-eyed Juncos appeared to be even more active and irritable, chasing each other and sometimes suddenly taking flight together. Last spring, this behavior occured during the week or so before most of them disappeared, undoubtedly migrating northward.

Juncos are so common all winter that it is easy to take them for granted, especially when there is a lack of snow cover. Their black and white plumage stands out against the snow, inviting nice photo opportunities. 

The bare aspen tree directly in front of our windows is sprouting buds. Its twigs provide brief views of the active juncos:

Daylilies are sprouting, heralding the arrival of spring:

A brightly-colored male House  Finch posted on the Aspen:

Black-capped Chickadees are now singing their soft spring "see-bee" songs:

One afternoon the sun was shining bright. I braved the strong breeze and went out into the back yard to obtain a few shots unimpeded by window glass. Who can resist watching bluebirds "in the raw?"

Male Eastern Bluebird:

Female bluebird:

White-breasted Nuthatch:

Six deer walked along the side yard past our window:

iPhone photo from our door:

Although it was still near freezing, the wind stopped blowing on Monday and we were pleased to find a blue sky reflecting off the (almost) undisturbed surface of the lake:

Last night, a cold front invaded and winter returned with vengance, bringing sleet, snow and sub-freezing temperatures.

Sunset as viewed from our kitchen porthole on Tuesday evening:

This week's header: Sunset view through port window

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Hello Ken,

    These are heartening and sure shot signs of spring despite the sleet and snow. It's been the same here. The sun peeps out one day and then by evening its thundering and there are rains, and sometimes even hail.
    Very unlike our usual March. But we aren't complaining as its keeping the weather pleasant before the hot Indian summers lash out.

    I love your Bluebird images always and those sky ones too. The lake looks glorious and I'm glad you did manage to get outdoors, even if for a bit.

    I have a comical post from the forests that's screaming 'brain fever' this week. Ha! Ha!

  2. Your "Spring Collection" is certainly colorful!

    Of course, I'm jealous you get to see the American Goldfinch in that spectacular breeding plumage! Sighting of migrants here may be waning a bit as they're all anxious to get to your house and begin breeding.

    Take good care.

  3. The birds are lovely but the sunset thru the windo is gorgeous. Handy to have a round window for framing!! Thanks for joining in #Allseasons

  4. Just as things are cooling down here.

  5. Hi Ken, on the one hand, many things seem similar to ours, definitely the weather but also the birds, only that they are much more colourful. On the other hand, I can't count on deer walking past the window in Frankfurt.
    You show us great photos again.
    I always read your text once in English and once in German. I had to laugh at the Google translation of the molted goldfinch. In German the poor bird was skinned.
    We won't read each other again until after Easter.
    Kind regards and Happy Easter – Elke

  6. Our juncos are getting kind of cranky with each other so maybe they are leaving soon.
    Your photos are wonderful. The first two of the gold finches are spectacular. I think I have seen of those in Oklahoma. I thought I saw an eastern bluebird on a walk the other day but it flew off before I could study it. I thought Oklahoma is out of the their range but I googled that just now and yes we are in their range.

  7. What a gorgeous view out your porthole window you have!!

  8. Kenneth, you are seeing some of the same birds we are seeing here. The Dark Eyed Juncos come to SD to spend the winter. Silly birds, the weather is terrible here. We don't get to see many Blue Birds, and I would like to see them. I saw three Robins last Tuesday, the first of the season. We have active flocks of House Finches, and so far I've seen one Goldfinch, but is was still in dull winter colors.

  9. I haven’t seen goldfinches yet. Hopefully soon.

  10. The birds that may be common to you are ones I would never see in my garden so I am grateful that you share your photos so I can enjoy birdwatching through your eyes.

  11. Nice birds. Here in our city, the humidity is soaring forcing us to gulp excess water

  12. Wieder so zauberhafte Vögel, allerdings finde ich auch den Ausblick aus dem Bullauge in der Küche zauberhaft !
    Danke für die herrlichen Fotos !

  13. so many delightful photos - love the goldfinch, blue bird and deer

  14. Hello :=)
    A nice selection of beautiful birds, yes even the Dark-eyed Junco because it's not a bird I see here. Lovely header and view.
    All the best

  15. that's a view to enjoy at the end of a day!

  16. What an absolutely lovely port window, and what good luck having a visiting bluebird. :)

  17. Nice shots. Thanks for more of those beautiful porthole views!

  18. Hello Ken,
    You have a wonderful collection of yard birds. The Juncos look so sweet and I always love to see the Bluebirds. The Goldfinch is pretty showing off his pretty summer color. The Nuthatch and Chickadees are more favorites, they are so cute. Great captures of the deer! The Sky shot and the porthole sunset are both beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  19. We are seeing some of the same birds in our garden and at the feeder this week, though the wether is pretty nasty. I love bluebirds (they stay outside of town, though).

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  20. ...Kenneth, your bluebirds are such a treat, thanks for sharing them on this spring morning.

  21. You have beautiful views from your windows. I hope the weather improves and you can get out for more walks though. Love the bright yellow Goldfinch. We've had a flock at our feeders but all still dull colors!

  22. Love to see the Goldfinches. It is always exciting to see them molting; the male is such a beautiful bird. Love your port window, what a striking view.

  23. Your Goldfinches are so much more colourful than ours. Love those Bluebirds too.

  24. I adore that port window scene you posted. It is good that you got outside for a bit. Lake view is beautiful. Some of your bird photographs show the curiosity that they have. I like how you capture how they eat and their eyes. Always a pleasure to view your bird and deer photographs. Thank you for posting.

  25. Great series of birds this week.
    Love the dramatic view from the kitchen portal
    For taking time to share this post with us at IRBB, I want to thank you.

  26. Views are always more intriguing through a frame. I have one this week, too. Lovely shots!

  27. What lovely photos nice and peaceful and they made me smile :-)

    Have a tweettastic week 👍


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