
Thursday, April 6, 2023

Crops & Clips: Flashback to April, 2020

As I do on the first Thursday of each month, I enjoy looking back over my archived photos, taken three years previously, to remember how things were then as contrasting with events this year at our new home in Connecticut. As usual, I searched for images which reflected favorite memes: critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies and clouds, reflections, flowers and scenes which speak for themselves.

On April 1, I visited the local Bald  Eagle nest to check on the welfare of the two eaglets which were about two weeks old. When I arrived, the female was roosting above the nest:

She flew down to the nest and fed the larger eaglet, probably the first hatched:

On April 3, as MaryLou and I  were walking into the wetlands, an Eastern Screech-Owl was roosting on a street sign:

A Barn Owl uttered a coarse call from the top of a Royal Palm. I would later find its nest nearby:

Loggerhead Shrike posed in early morning light:

Bobcat sightings were becoming more frequent:

A Raccoon rushed across the path in front of us:

Another Raccoon reflected in the flooded tracks of off-road vehicles:

White-tailed Deer group into same-sex flocks during the non-breeding season. We startled these does in early morning twilight:

In our back yard, a female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker visited sap wells on the Mahogany tree:

Songbird migration was warming up. Among the transients were Cape May Warblers...

...an American Redstart...

...and a Blackpoll Warbler:

By the end of the month, both eaglets had grown considerably but they will not fledge until late May:

Adult male Bald Eagle in flight over the Wounded Wetlands:

A male Anhinga basked on the duck decoy which floats our irrigation sprinkler intake:

A Tricolored Heron waded at the edge of our back lawn:

Boat-tailed Grackle males displayed on the clay roof tiles of a neighbor's home:

Pond-apple flower with developing fruit:

Zebra heliconian and White Peacock on Lantana blossoms: 

A thunderhead cast a long shadow before sunrise on April 20:

A few minutes later, clouds reflected on the lake's surface:

This week's header: Male Bald Eagle

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Was wonderful to walk down memory lane with Mary Lou and you and see these pictures again. The Bald Eagles and their stories were so interesting.

    I love the Screech Owl. I love owls, so. :)

  2. Outstanding collection, Ken!
    What a wonderful flashback to Florida. I can't get a Screech Owl to pose and here you have one lounging around on a street sign!

    Have a blessed Easter weekend.

  3. Hi Ken, these are again very special photos. Of course, the pictures of the Bald eagle particularly appeal to me, because I don't get to see them here. You always show a wide range of impressive photos in your monthly reviews.
    Happy easter - Elke (Nature Thursday)

  4. Great photos! I envy your raptor photography.

  5. Fine photos. My favorite is number 4. That fella looks like it ate macig mushrooms. 🍄

  6. Hello Ken,
    A wonderful look back. I love the Eagles at the nest, Owls are always a favorite. Great sightings and captures of the Bobcat. The warblers and butterflies are beautiful. Gorgeous sky captures! Happy Easter to you and yours! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend!

  7. That thunderhead shadow is really amazing!! I don't think I've seen anything like it before.

  8. I love your photos looking back. You always got out often to see so many birds and wildlife. I haven't seen a Bobcat in awhile and would love to see one again...at a distance. Happy weekend!

  9. Wow, bring on the archives anytime you want. Your current photos are spectacular as well.

  10. Beautiful photos!
    Great birds, but the deer photo is my favorite.
    Happy Easter!

  11. Gosh these are marvelous photos - every one a prize-winner.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/04/beautiful-quilts.html

  12. These are marvelous. Thank you so much!

  13. Your photos are breathtaking! Thank you! Cathy

  14. What a lovely collection of photos so colourful too that first Owl's face made me laugh heheh! :-)

    Have a flashbacktastic week 👍

  15. Sorry I'm late arriving to visit...holiday AND SLOW computer connection yesterday. Thanks for sharing your link!
    I really enjoyed your eagle flashback!!

  16. How are you Ken?
    Sharing some winged wonders and critters this week here:


    Have a wonderful week ahead and may Easter portend wonderful new beginnings and loads of good health for you and yours. :)

  17. Really impressive set of birds. I hope to see just a few of these later in the year - although I will be in Canada not the US. Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  18. Hello :=) These photos are all breathtaking images. It's good to look back to see
    them in all there beauty, and perhaps reflect on the time you took them. Thank you so much for sharing, I enjoyed every one.

  19. Beautiful shot of sunrise so cleverly shot. I must say that you are truly master a true ornithologist when it comes to knowing birds. Thanks for educating and sharing your wonderful post.


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