
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Chainsaw Heron

Fall land bird migration should be peaking about now, but I have had very poor luck in seeing many migrants. Admittedly, it was very hot this past week, followed by several stormy days. My forays into the back yard have been infrequent and unusually brief. MaryLou helped out by sighting this Red-shouldered Hawk as it perched on top of the bluebird house. The photo was taken through a badly stained window. The hawk flew off just as I tried to sneak outside for a better view:

A few Cedar Waxwings were eating the Pokeweed berries. Unfortunately, this location is 33 meters away, looking down from my perch along the back yard fence. The images required heavy cropping which greatly reduces their resolution:

Note the red wax-like accretions on the tips of this adult's secondary wing feathers:

The immature waxwings have dull, streaky plumage and a less prominent crest:

Days after moving here from Florida, on January 14, 2022, I snapped this photo through the screened window in our office/media room. A flock of waxwings had descended on the overgrown holly, just outside our door. I like this image despite its poor quality, as it shows the red waxy "appendages" attached to the bird's feather tips:

The old holly was removed and replaced with three very productive female holly bushes, next to the same window. I hope they attract the waxwings, but think I must remove the window screens if I want decent photos:

This Red-eyed Vireo provided me with the week's best shot of a feathered bird:

However, a neighbor has been working on a wooden bird:

This is her nearly finished product, a Chainsaw Great Blue Heron

The Hibiscus is putting out a new flower every morning:

The sun was ready to settle behind the ridge on the opposite edge of the Connecticut River Valley:

This week's header: Sunset on September 5, 2023

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Outstanding images, Ken! We're seeing a few migrants down here and should soon begin enjoying a few waves as the season progresses.

    Even cropped, those Cedar Waxwing photographs look great. The Vireo is handsome and the detail is wonderful.

    Your neighbor is quite talented!

    Stay cool and send those birds south.

  2. i do like the heron wooden sculpture. What a beautiful work !

  3. ...a beautiful post and as they say, red skies at night, sailor's delight! Be well.

  4. Wow, the chainsaw heron is amazing! Your neighbor is very talented.

  5. We've not had many birds visiting our feeder in New York these last few days. "Our" hummingbird left the beginning of September. Now we are seeing mainly black capped chickadees, and both hairy and downy woodpeckers, with an occasional Northern cardinal. I so enjoyed your pictures of the Cedar Waxwings, a bird I have heard (per the Merlin app) but have never seen. And that sculpture your neighbor is making is wonderful.

  6. I see fewer birds as my mobility decreases. I miss the days of exploring the pond and wetland woods. That heron is amazing. We had to rescue one here that got entangled in fishing line.Watch your eyes my rehabber friend said. Our SPCA was able to remove the line and release the heron back here. We got to it quickly. Oh the runs we have been on here to rescue injured waterfowl...Not always a happy ending, but ending suffering is good...Michelle

  7. My long comment never went though...I will try to retype it later...Michelle

  8. Waxwing looks so exquisite. The sunset is very nice.

  9. The sculpture is quite lifelike.

  10. Delightful sculpture! And as usual, your photos are superb.

  11. Hello,
    I think your photo of the birds in your yard and through the window are great. Love the Hawk and all the Waxwings images. Your neighbors heron carved sculpture is awesome, well done. Gorgeous sunset, I love the framed image with the arch. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  12. The wooden bird is a beautiful work of art! Glad you can see birds from inside and enjoy the view. I have seen birds this week...but not in number yet. Have a good weekend my friend! I hope you are able to get outside some. Take care though and take it easy!

  13. Cedar Waxwings are such a special bird. They've only visited our garden once, and stayed two days until they stripped every berry in the garden and ate them. The wooden bird is quite an amazing feat for chainsawing. I've been thinking the same thing, that the screens need to be removed from the windows for better photos.

  14. I love the shot of the waxwing with the berry in it's mouth. The sculpture is amazing!

  15. I do like the waxwings. A bird I never see here.

  16. Your wildlife sightings are always a delight, despite the challenges you face in capturing them.

  17. Excellent pictures! Nice waxwings pics and love the heron statue.

  18. Lovely photos and fascinating love the Chainsaw Heron first time seeing one :-)

    Have an interestingtastic week 👍

  19. Wow. Your neighbor has some serious talent. That is beautiful - as are all your photos.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/09/blooms-to-brighten-your-day.html

  20. I know next to nothing about birds but good photography I can see mile away. That #8 photo is outstanding!!

  21. ...enjoy as many sunsets as possible.

  22. Nice pictures. Many years ago I saw my first wax wings through the filthy window of a bus! I got out at the next stop to go and have a look at them. I was late for work and got told off - but it was worth it! SM

  23. Fantastic blog and wonderful photos. Waxwings are beautiful birds, a dream for me.

  24. Such delightful images. The Red shouldered kite looks lovely, and its a joy to see the Wax Wings clamouring for the berries.

    Brillaint sunset too. How are things in your neck of woods, dear Ken.

    Sending good wishes for a healthy new season and blessed autumnal vibes to you and yours.


  25. And please tell your neighbour I'm bowled over by their art. :)

  26. I have never heard about waxvings before , they are adorable. Thanks for sharing with Garden affair.


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