
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Summer is losing its grip #1080

We have had more than our share of rain and windy weather during the past few weeks. Too often, the sky is leaden gray which makes it difficult for eyes to see clearly and cameras to focus properly on small and elusive fall migrant birds. 

No amount of post-processing could bring up the color of some of the migrating birds I have photographed during the past few days, such as this male Bay-breasted Warbler which appeared briefly through the foliage:

A week before, on September 10, I obtained a better view, but was not satisfied with it either and almost forgot I had it:

His bright spring plumage will help to attract a mate, but autumn feathering is much less conspicuous. I photographed this male Bay-breasted Warbler in Illinois on May 3, 2009:

During my last days in Florida, in October, 2020, just before I had my surgery, i obtained a poor photo of a Scarlet Tanager:

This week's male Scarlet Tanager also does not live up to his name in fall and winter plumage...

...while one I saw in Illinois on May 10, 2017 fully deserved it:

The male American Redstart develops very bright plumage in his second year which then persists all-year-round, as illustrated by this one I photographed in unusually bright sunlight in the back yard on September 10:

A male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, also seen on September 10, showed up nicely despite his demure winter garb...

...as opposed to his striking plumage back in May:

The Clematis vine climbing the back yard fence produced its final bloom:

Four days later, buffeted and faded by wind and rain, it retained its grace:

Evening Primrose grows wild but is nonetheless beautiful:

American Burnweed (Erechtites hieraciifolius) covers any bare ground, feeding the American Goldfinches and their chicks with seeds from flower buds which look so promising, but never develop petals...

...and later fill the sky with pesky fluff (pappus): 

We are anticipating the peak of autumn foliage colors in late October, but one brilliant side effect of the stormy weather has been the outlandish beauty of the skies.

On September 13 the first act opened with an afternoon light rain shower over Hartford:

The evening sky turned amber as the sun dipped behind distant clouds:

After the sun disappeared below the horizon, fog filled the valley under a pastel sky :

Two evenings later, the performance took on a bolder theme. The sky  was on fire:

Multiple cloud layers were each inscribed with odd glyphs and scratchy symbols:

As darkness approached, tenacious embers reluctantly gave up their light:

This week's header: Sunset, September 13, 2023

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. My garden never looked better as this year for this time of year. We had a very wet summer and the plants stayed crispy green; And last week we had a heat wave. This was the first time ever in september (since start of taking temperature). Now it is rainy again and still good temperature for this time of year but fall is definitely coming!

  2. Hello Ken,
    even if you are a little less satisfied with the bird photos, they are still beautiful. And the pictures of the sunsets and the pictures of the sky anyway. Now I have quickly to read your post from last week.
    Kind regards – Elke (Nature Thursday)

  3. I know I say this every week but the sunsets are simply stunning!! Just gorgeous #DND (And Elke, if you see this, I can't comment again but I have tweeted the comment and your link! Sorry)

  4. You got some great sky photos. I love all your bird images, even the ones you don't seem happy with.

  5. Bay-breasted Warbler looks so elegant. The plumage is so silky. The sunsets are stunning

  6. Stunning sky shots with really beautiful colors. I didn't realize Hartford had such an expansive skyline. Very pretty!

  7. so pretty birds and fantastic sky pictures! I will visit your blog more often!

  8. Despite weather challenges, your photos are wonderful! Lovely dramatic sky as always.

  9. Hello Ken,
    I loved all your warbler and bird photos, they are all lovely. I am not seeing as many warblers moving through, like in previous years. Gorgeous captures of the sky and sunsets. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. What a very lovely collection of birds, blooms and skyscapes!

    We're looking forward to hosting your birds any day now. A few early warblers have been straggling in over the past couple of weeks. This morning it was actually below 70 degrees! First day of Autumn made a very pleasant debut.

    All the best.

  11. Hello :=))
    We have also had our share of dark skies and rain, but this week will be sunny and warm. Your male American Redstart is much more colourful than ours. Lovely Clematis flower and a good selection of birds, and beautiful sky shots.
    All the best :=)

  12. What stunning photos again, I always see and learn something new here each week ...thanks 👍

    Have a bloomingtastic week 👍

  13. Beautiful blooms and birds! The view of Hartford looks kind of surreal in that light.

  14. Your pictures are positively WONDERFUL!!! The birds come to life in their photos for sure. You do have a great eye for a positively great picture! Thank you ever so much for sharing! Have a great day!

  15. There is no better painter than mother nature. She seems to know how to do it best.

  16. Wonderful images, as always :)

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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