
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Christmas and warm memories

A few days of storms with tree-felling winds were followed by freezing cold clear weather, but so far there has not been any measurable snow.  Christmas Day was mostly dreary and drizzly. I captured a Christmas Black-capped Chickadee through the window, perched in the small White Pine:

As if to lessen the disappointment of a such a gray Christmas, the few days of sunshine did deliver a brief  flash of color when three Golden-crowned Kinglets appeared along the back fence. They were very active and it was difficult to get them in the view-finder. These were the best of a couple of dozen near misses, all from a single male:

A Song Sparrow scurried in the shadows amid the weeds:

A White-throated Sparrow was easier to capture when it chose to perch on a boulder:

Cazador, the family standard poodle, is very sensitive to the cold and really enjoys his Christmas sweater:

Earlier, Cazador greeted our granddaughter when she returned from college for her Christmas break:

On December 27, dense fog crept up from the Connecticut River Valley:

This week's reflection harks back to a Great Blue Heron photographed in Florida in August, 2015:

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MaryLou and I just celebrated a couple of anniversaries. Our first date was 70 years ago, on December 27, 1953, a semi-formal dinner dance at the Meadowbrook in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. My sister Ellen and MaryLou's best friend, Betty Jane, in cooperation with my friend and classmate, who happened to be MaryLou's brother Larry, conspired to "set me up" with her. 

As Part of the plot, Ellen would be Larry's date and Betty Jane would go with Tommy, another of our long-time friends. The six of us fit comfortably into Tommy's two-tone cream over cranberry-red 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook. Three could sit in the front seat in those days before center consoles.  

We all dated others after this, but whenever I saw MaryLou with someone else I knew they were not the right match for her. We married in 1960 when I was a medical student working part time as a lab technician and supermarket cashier and she had a steady job. 

In this photo, MaryLou and I are seated to the right. Sadly, all of the other four have passed away.

When I was drafted out of private family practice in 1966 we had three children. I was commissioned in the US Public Health Service and we moved about the country. Our children consider Dallas, Texas to be  their "home town." This conjured up the memory of another anniversary, I chaired the Dallas Military Ball in December, 1992:

This week's header: Foggy morning, December 27, 2023: 

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Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Hi Kenneth, you are among the very best bird photographers. This time of year the most common bird we see is the Blackcapped Chickadee. The Ruby Crowned Kinglet is often heard, but seldom seen. BTW, a 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook was the car I learned driving, and later wrecked. It was my Mom's car. Have a happy new year.

  2. Thank you sharing your celebrations with us.

  3. Your bird photos are always wonderful to see.

  4. What an interesting blog. I love the little Golden-crowned Kinglet, so cute. Interesting to hear how you meet and married the love of your life. Well done on 60+ years of marriage.

    My dearest friend lives in Dallas I wish it was a little closer.

    Wishing you all the very best for 2024, Diane

  5. Hi Ken,
    as I wrote before, your birds are always a little more colorful than ours of the same species. So is the Golden-crowned Kinglet. Thank you for participating in Nature Thursday and also for your memories. 1953 is my year of Birthday 😉. Warm greetings and have a good new year.

  6. I don't envy you the nasty weather. I DO envy your visit by a Golden-crowned Kinglet! Very nice.

    We wish you a very Happy New Year!

  7. Congratulations on your anniversaries. I had to look up what a Plymouth Cranbrook looks like. Very nice vintage car. I'm smiling picturing the six of you in there! Have a very Happy New Year!

  8. Great pictures and sweet memories! The poodle looks rather distinguished in his red sweater.

  9. a beautiful picture of you and your wife ,the bird pictures are wonderful
    have a happy New Year

  10. Hello Ken,
    Wonderful memories, congrats on the anniversaries! The last photo of you and Mary Lou is lovely. A great variety of birds, I love the Chickadee and Kinglet. Cute photo of the poodle with your granddaughter. Beautiful Heron and reflection capture! We have been having many foggy mornings here. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a safe and happy weekend. Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.


  11. Lovely memories! Your chickadee & kinglets shine! Happy New Year to you both!

  12. Great post Ken! Cazador is adorable.
    My wife and I had our first date on Jan 10, 1987 so we've got a few years to go to make 70.

  13. Oh my! The military ball is a beautiful affair and wonderful photo! Love hearing more about your life and seeing photos of your family. The birds are happy to have the feeders in the cold weather too. Take care and Happy New Year my friend!

  14. I agree what fond memories I enjoyed your photos Ken thanks for sharing :-)

    Have a Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2024 👍

  15. Hello :=)
    Congratulations on all your anniversary's I loved all the photos of when you were young,and how you met your wife. You look so handsome and distinguished at the Militarily Ball and your wife so elegant in that long white dress,... lovely memories to have. How splendid to see the Kinglets and sparrows, as always such sharp photos- Your dog in it's red coat looks very Christmas y and lovely photo of your Grand-daughter.
    All the best for 2024 and many more years to come.

  16. Those ruby crowned kinglets are quite colorful. Your photos are amazing. The dog greeting your granddaughter is a sweet shot.
    Congratulations on your 70 year date anniversary.
    I can relate, when I met the woman who is now my wife both she and I were dating somebody else. So I had to maneuver the situation around and things finally worked out and we are in our 35th year.

  17. Oh you have been blogging for a long time..I love to read about people. I was the elementary aged kid taking biographies out from the library. I love to hear family histories. I have been reflecting back on our over 40 years of marriage and how the time flew...I see that time flying with my grandchildren. Aren't we so very lucky to have people that we love and who love us....Michelle

  18. Oh now the comment is working..I love hearing about people and their lives. I was the little kid taking biographies out of the elementary school library. It is amazing how time seems to fly by and there is nothing like having a life partner to relieve those memories with..aren't we lucky..Michelle

  19. I remember reading Bernd Heinrich's book on winter survival talking about the kinglets.....Michelle


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