
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Crops & Clips: Flashback to January, 2021 #1091

As I do on the first Thursday of each month, I enjoy looking back over my archived photos, taken three years previously, in January, 2021, to remember how things were then as contrasted with events this year at our new home in Connecticut. As usual, I searched for images which reflected favorite memes: critters of all kinds (especially birds), skies and clouds, reflections, flowers and scenes which speak for themselves. We spent the entire month at home in Florida. I processed 526 photos.

On New Years Day we were out early to watch the setting of the waning Cold Moon of December 29. The sky was already blue before the Moon approached the horizon, so we were not treated to the brilliant colors of moonset as we had photographed only days before. However we made creative use of the moon as a backdrop.

A Boat-tailed Grackle postured on a treetop:

Earlier, I tried to photograph a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron against the twilight sky and accidentally included moon-less Planet Venus:

Full Wolf Moon on January 29:

The local Bald Eagles were still working on their new nest into late January. 

The male usually gathered the sticks:

Sometimes he was over-ambitious and this led to disputes with his mate:

The nest observers all were concerned about the eagles' selection of this nest site, as there were no substantial side branches. The eagles tried to weave large branches into the structure. On January 28 they were still working, almost a month after the time when eggs were normally laid:

This stick was too big to fit into one frame:

Belted Kingfisher male:

A Loggerhead Shrike and a male Northern Flicker perched shoulder-to-shoulder:

Not to be overlooked, an American Kestrel in early morning glow:

A Bobcat walked out into the path in front of me:

A Gulf Fritillary sipped nectar:

An unusual bowl-shaped lenticular cloud persisted in front of the rising sun. These stationary clouds usually form over mountain peaks and are rarely seen over flat terrain:

The western sky at sunrise is the backdrop for the foggy pine bank, January 23:

Back yard sunrise on January 24

This week's header: Anhinga, January 3, 2021

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to:

Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Wild Bird Wednesday

My Corner of the World

Please visit the links to all these posts to see some excellent photos on display


  1. Kenneth, you have a rich archive of photos, especially wonderful bird photos. The bobcat was a rare opportunity requiring a quick reaction on your part.

  2. I love the sunset shots the best

  3. More terrific memories!

    However did you convince the Shrike and Flicker to pose together?

    Happy New Year, Ken.

  4. ...wow Kenneth, January has been a fabulous month for you. These are gorgeous images.

  5. So many beautiful moments captured - I'm enchanted by the misty pine bank at sunrise. Fog is mystical to me.

  6. Wow! ~ these are fantastic photos ~ they tell the story so well ~ fascinated by the eagles and their 'building of their nest' and awesome moon shots ~ you must have an excellent lens on your camera to capture the details you have of the birds and creative composition to top it all off ~ thoroughly admire your photography ~ thank you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I really enjoyed your posts last year and look forward to your regular lookback features.
    The portrait of the eagle is outstanding. It looks like they need to take lessons on effective nest construction.

  8. My favorite are two photographs of a Grackle. The Eagle images astounding. Happy New Year!

  9. Your photos are amazing and I love the narrative with the bald eagles building their nest. The closeup of the Gulf Fritillary is beautiful and I love learning the proper names of the birds and butterflies. Thank you.

  10. Those first, the grackle, are perfect photos in my eyes!

  11. Hello Ken,
    Amazing photos and a great look back. Awesome captures of the Eagles and the nest. I love the shot of the Shrike and Flicker, great capture of the Kingfisher. Your photo of January's full moon is gorgeous. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  12. Beautiful January photos. Love the ones with Boat-tailed Grackle and the moon.

  13. You've always been able to spot birds wherever you are! Love that you got to watch a nest of Eagles when you lived here. Have a good week dear friend!

  14. Amazing photos! I just love the one with the bowl-shaped lenticular cloud. :)

  15. Another set of beautiful photos and so atmospheric too :-)

    Thanks for sharing as always Ken 👍

  16. Wow ! You are a gifted photographer, I stuck upon the elated eyes of Bobcat and astonishing capture of Anhinga . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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